Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Anatomy Update - Teaching Project

The teaching project is due on TUESDAY rather than at the end of this week ... good luck!  :)

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Life Science 8/26-8/30

Begin discussing life properties.  Students outside to find four objects (two living, two non-living). Comparative activity in class and discussion.

Watch the "Life Properties" video and answer the questions.  Submit the questions to Mr. Hadachek via Edmodo.  Questions due THURSDAY.  But you should be able to finish them during class time today!

Discuss energy flow and photosynthesis.  Requirements for life and how photosynthesis helps us. Discuss specific life forms that undergo this process.

E Mail questions due; watch review video over photosynthesis.  Answer the questions on the video and submit via Edmodo.  Begin discussing model construction of food/energy re-arrangement.

Discuss models for rearrangement of food molecules.  Begin construction of these models.

Field Biology 8/26-8/30

Capture/recapture with Lincoln-Peterson Diversity Index

Tuesday - Friday
Diversity study in experimental plots

Anatomy 8/26-8/30

Review divisions of A & P.   Discuss feedback mechanisms.  Positive vs. negative feedback and examples.

Review feedback.  Students will construct video teaching tutorials over their choice of feedback mechanisms or divisions of A & P.  Due Friday 8/30 by 4pm.

Video teaching project continued

Wrap up video teaching project, discuss and review important concepts regarding feedback and A&P divisions

Discuss directional terms.

Zoology 8/26-8/30

Discuss insect success and reasons behind it.  Discuss insect orders and representative insects in each order.  Collect insects outside.

Live insect lab; view insects under dissection microscopes.  Answer the questions provided via E Mail (due Thurs, 8/29)

Grasshopper dissection day 1:  External anatomy

Grasshopper dissection day 2:  Internal anatomy

Grasshopper dissection day 3:  Review all anatomy.  Use dissection scopes and investigate.  Discuss practical and what will be covered on it.  Checkoffs next week!!

Biology 8/26-8/30

Introduction to LIFE!  What is life?  What is NOT life??  We will investigate these questions and cover the specifics.  From there, we transition into photosynthesis and the importance of plants in our life.

Watch the video note set over life properties and E Mail the answers to the questions to  by Wednesday 4pm.

Discuss photosynthesis.  Explain how the process works and how it relates to your life.

Prepare for the photosynthesis model.  Specifics will be given in class.  Life properties questions due via E Mail by 4pm today.  Review photosynthesis.

Work on photosynthesis models in class.  Review photosynthesis and reflect.

Work on photosynthesis models in class.  Models due Wednesday 9/4

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

All Classes ..... 8/21-8/23

Class introductions, all school assembly

Introduction to Mr. Hadachek's classes, expectations, etc.  Join Google Plus.

Join Google Plus.  Introduction to Google Communities

Welcome Back!!

Welcome back to another exciting school year!  I am so excited this year to teach science!  My efforts this year will include teaching the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), and character building. I really want to incorporate building strong character in my classes, as I feel this is a big part of giving students a world-class education!  Most of the work this semester will be paperless (as much as possible, at least), so I'm excited about that.  And for those without Internet access at home .... no worries, as most of our assignments will be done in class!  So with that being said, let's get this school year started off on the right foot!  Are you ready??  I am!!