Friday, December 20, 2013

Thank you ...

Well the end of the first semester has arrived, and it's time for Christmas Break. I have had such an amazing group of students this first semester, and I am truly blessed by knowing each and every one of you. You guys really are the reason why I love being a teacher and doing what I do. Thank you ....for everything!! I hope you have a blessed holiday season and safe travels. Enjoy your break!!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Life Science Quiz tomorrow, Thursday 12/19!!

If you missed out on life science class today, we are having a quiz tomorrow over plant vs. animal organization systems.  If you have any questions, please feel free to E Mail me or message me on Edmodo so you're ready for the quiz when you get back.  The review sheet for the quiz can be found at this link:

Monday, December 16, 2013

This week in science ......

Here are the time codes for your class:

Biology - 0:37
Zoology - 1:21
Anatomy - 2:29
Field Biology - 3:15
Life Science - 3:56

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Life Science 12/16-12/20

Objective:  To further understand plant organ systems by completing a kinesthetic learning exercise

Complete preparation for the kinesthetic learning exercise

Produce/complete the kinesthetic learning exercise

Review for tomorrow's quiz - plant vs animal organ systems

Quiz - plant vs animal organ systems

Last day of semester - TBA

Field Biology 12/16-12/20

Objective:  To learn identification of wildlife tracks and how to write an abstract for a research paper

Field work weather permitting

Write abstract for paper

Finish abstract/analyze animal tracks

Anatomy 12/16-12/20

Objective:  To review understanding of major content related to semester content; take a comprehensive final over first semester material

Monday - Wednesday
Nervous system/review for final (finals on Wednesday)

Discuss nervous system

Last day of semester - TBA

Zoology 12/16-12/20

Objectives this week:  To fully understand the anatomy of a shark and how it relates to survival in it's environment; to successfully complete a comprehensive practical exam from the first semester dissection lineup.

Complete shark practical

Review for practical final

Semester comprehensive practical final

Last day of first semester - TBA

Biology 12/16-12/20

Objectives this week:  To complete a microscope lab and relate the structures under the microscopes back to protein building and life importance.

Microscope Lab Day 1

Microscope Lab Day 2

Wrap up microscope lab

Wrap up semester - TBA

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

This week in science ......

Find your class info at these time codes .....

Biology - 0:46
Zoology - 1:53
A&P - 2:32
Field Biology - 3:23
Life Science - 4:08

Life Science Video Notes ....

Here is the note set from Tuesday's video lecture. There is one question at the end, but be sure to log onto Edmodo to finish the rest of the questions for this assignment:

Zoology update!

There is an Edmodo assignment over sharks that's due on Friday 12/13 ..... if you weren't in class, be sure to log on and do this assignment.  Thanks!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Lamprey Dissection!!!

Last week we dissected lamprey eels in Zoology's a photo of one of the specimens from the practical test!

Life Science 12/9-12/13

Objective this week:  To understand how the organ systems of animals are different than the organ systems of plants.

Work on the Mindmeister concept map activity.  Due tomorrow, 12/10.

The specifics for the concept map activity can be found at this link:

Concept map activity due today.  Watch lecture video over the differences between animal and plant organ systems.  Answer questions on Edmodo for points.

Edmodo questions due; review major concepts from lecture video.  Complete worksheet over the major objectives for this week.

Worksheet due today; review for a quiz tomorrow over organ systems

Organ systems quiz today; video.

Field Biology 12/9-12/13

This week's objective:  To understand the importance of writing a field research paper and learn how to write one.

Video today

Continue putting paper together...discuss these paper sections:  Optimal design/bias, Implications for study design.  Write these sections.

Paper writing - finish the sections from yesterday (rough drafts).

Edmodo assignment/KDWP case study

Finish KDWP case study; final drafts of required paper sections due for the week.

Anatomy 12/9-12/13

Objective this week:  To understand how muscles tap into energy supplies to give you physical strength every day.  At the end of the week, a test will be given over the muscle unit.

Discuss ATP pathways; explain the benefits to each pathway, and how this energy supply system can help you in your life.  Worksheet due tomorrow 12/10.

Worksheet due; conclude/review ATP pathways

Review for Friday's muscle unit exam

Review for muscle unit exam

Muscle unit exam - there is a 100/85 performance objective on this exam

Zoology 12/9-12/13

Objective this week:  To learn the anatomy of sharks and understand how their characteristics allow them to survive

General shark anatomy; classification of sharks, shark species.  Multimedia clip of stingrays

Begin shark dissection; external anatomy of sharks

Shark dissection - internal anatomy.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Biology 12/9-12/13

Objective this week:  This week's objective is to learn about the processes of transcription and translation, and understand how DNA/RNA physically builds your body through these processes.  Basically we are talking about how our genetic code is being incorporated into our physical appearance.

Discuss differences between DNA and RNA; learn about transcription vs translation and the major mechanisms involved

Review transcription/translation; multimedia and extension activities over this topic.

Transcription, translation video project.  Discuss, begin the project

Video project

Finish video project - due by 4pm today

Building DNA!!

We have been building DNA molecules in class this week....and relating these models back to real-life importance!   Hands-on learning is a very good thing!!!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Life Science 12/2-12/6

Objective this week:  To understand how body systems work together to help us survive as a whole

Introduction to other major body systems - muscular system, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, excretory system

Review Monday's material. Watch video today.

Concept map activity today; create a concept map over the interrelationships of these body systems

Concept map activity construction; due by end of period

Quiz today over major body systems and their functions/importance

Field Biology 12/2-12/6

Objective this week: To learn how to assemble a field research paper over a field research study and understand the importance behind writing a paper such as this

Field work outside TBA

Discuss abstract for the grasshopper study paper, continue data analysis.  Create google doc for paper. Data analysis due Friday.

Answer questions about data; begin working on data analysis.  Data analysis due this Friday, 12/6. implications, improvement on design, and conclusion due Friday, 12/13/13 by 4pm

Work on analysis portion of paper along with other components due this week and next.

TBA/ paper construction.  Data analysis due today.

Anatomy 12/2-12/6

Objective this week:  To understand how muscles contract (reach level of "mastery"), understand bioelectricity, and build a model showing the specifics of muscle contraction

Bioelectricity specifics, discuss the model building project

Muscle tone mechanics, muscle contraction energy pathways

Muscle project workday

Muscle project workday

Present muscle projects to class and video record the finished model

Zoology 12/2-12/6

Objective this week:  To understand the anatomy of a lamprey, and learn about different aspects of sharks/cartilaginous fishes

Review lampreys - reviews led by Mr. Hadachek and then student-led reviews.

Begin discussing chondrichthyes specifically; morphology, differences in skates, rays, and sharks.  Multimedia over rays.  Discuss shark morphology, species, and misunderstandings

Lamprey practical.  There is a 100/85 performance objective on this practical test

Discuss shark morphologies continued; external shark anatomy

External shark anatomy exploration

Biology 12/2-12/6

Objective this week:  To learn the differences between DNA and RNA, understand why each is important, and understand how they work together to build a human being from the ground up.

Discuss DNA - what it is, what it is not; discuss nucleic acid sequences and importance of these acids.  Explain the differences between DNA and RNA.  Discuss two different types of RNA

Build DNA molecules; complete extension project on DNA

Discuss protein synthesis:  Explain how our bodies are assembled piece by piece

Protein synthesis continued.

Sophomore testing in CRC this period