Monday, May 11, 2015

Zoology Bird Journals ... IMPORTANT!!

I am modifying the bird journal slightly .... I would like you to have a minimum of THREE entries.  For Seniors, this will be due by 8pm on Wednesday 5/13.  For Juniors, this will be due by 4pm on Tuesday, 5/19.  Thanks!

Zoology Mammal Test tomorrow, 5/12

This test will cover:

The bulk of the mammal groups:  monotremes, marsupials, and placental mammals.  Know which animals belong in each, and the different characteristics of each group (eggs, pouches, umbilical cords, etc)

Know facts about elk, deer, mice, and bats in Kansas, as discussed in class.  If you don't have this info, get notes from somebody who does.

Know several facts from the rat dissection.

**This test will be all multiple-choice, and will be on Quia.**

Important Final Information .... ALL CLASSES!!

Here is everything you need to know about anything final-related:

Final Schedule:

1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th:  Monday, 5/18
6th, 8th:  Tuesday, 5/19


 3rd, 7th:  Tuesday, 5/12
2nd, 6th:  Wednesday 5/13


First hour Biology:  The test will be all multiple choice, and will cover bacteria, viruses, protista, and up to ten random review questions from the school year.

2nd & 8th hour A & P:  The test will cover second semester material and will be multiple choice.  Emphasis will be on digestive, reproductive, nervous, and special senses systems.

3rd & 7th hour Zoology:  The test will cover mostly mammals and/or amphibians, birds, & reptiles

6th hour Field Biology:  The test will cover mainly wildlife legislation, farm pond management facts, environmental concerns (study your landfill notes/waste category notes), and mammal facts

5th hour Life Science:  This test will mainly cover ecology, punnett squares/genetics, and other concepts.  More information will be given in class.

Field Biology 5/11-5/15

Objective this week:  To wrap up the semester and prepare for the final exam.

Monday - Friday
Final exam prep and field work

Life Science 5/11-5/15

Objective this week:  To prepare for the final exam next week and go outside on the nature trail for exploratory learning

Monday - Friday
Exploratory learning and final prep

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Zoology 5/11-5/15

Objective this week:  To discuss cryptozoology and prepare for next week's final exam

Cryptozoology discussion/video

Cryptozoology discussion/prep for final

Wednesday - Friday
Final exam prep

Anatomy 5/11-5/15

Objective this week:  To conclude the digestive system unit and prepare for finals next week

Wrap up digestive system notes

Reflective learning - digestive system of the cat (dissection)

Cat dissection/review (final exam - 2nd period Seniors)

Thursday - Friday
Final Prep

Biology 5/11-5/15

Objective this week:  To wrap up the semester content with the malaria life cycle, and to prepare for finals next week.

Finish the "Deadly Bugs" video.  Discuss the malaria life cycle.

Review/Final CRT prep

Friday, May 8, 2015

Zoology Mammal Quiz Info

Hey everyone,

First of all, I want to say I'm glad you're all safe after the storms the other night.  It was a crazy evening, to say the least!  With school being called off on Thursday, it set us back a day for the testing schedule.  Today we will have the practical over the rat .... and then on Monday, we'll take the mammal quiz.  Here is the rundown for the mammal quiz on Monday:

Know what makes a mammal a mammal (a minimum of four facts)

Know facts about these orders:  Monotremes, marsuipals, and placental mammals

Know facts about the following Kansas animals (some of you may have been absent, so get these notes before you take this quiz!):

  • Bison
  • Elk
  • Armadillo
  • Big Brown Bat
  • Hoary Bat
  • Badger
The test will be multiple choice and/or fill in the blank.  20 (ish) points or so.  Good luck!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Zoology Test Information

Here is what you need to know for the tests this week:

Thursday's Practical:

Understand why the arteries have latex injected into them

Know what the following regions represent (I could have a pin sticking in an area, asking you to tell me what region it represents):

Cranial (head)
Cervical (neck)
Pectoral (front legs attach here)
Thoracic (chest)
Abdomen (belly)
Pelvic (back legs attach here)

Know where the following four muscles are located:

Biceps brachii
Biceps femoris
External oblique
Pectoralis major

Identify and know the functions of the following:

Stomach (Greater/lesser curvatures of the stomach - know these too!)
Small intestine (duodenum, ileum, jejunum - know these too!)
Large intestine

Heart chambers:  atria, ventricles (and functions of each)

Life Science 5/4-5/8

Objective this week:  To apply concepts learned throughout the school year on the reflection project.

Reflection project - nature trail

Jr High track meet - video

Milford Hatchery trip

Reflection project - nature trail

Reflection project - nature trail

Field Biology 5/4-5/8

Objective this week:  Continue working on the golf course field study and apply classroom concepts to this study.

Monday - Friday
Field work - golf course

Zoology 5/4-5/8

Objective this week:  To reach the level of mastery with mammal characteristics through the completion of a rat lab practical and quiz by the end of the week.

Finish rat dissection today.  Focus should be on dissection scope work

Tuesday - Wednesday
Review for rat practical/mammal lecture test

Rat practical

Lecture test

Anatomy 5/4-5/8

Objective this week:  To learn the basics of the digestive system through classroom discussion, note sets, and a cat dissection.  Learning will be assessed through question/answer sessions and a quiz at the end of the week.

Begin digestive system - basic structures and functions

Cat digestive system day 1

Continue digestive system lecture - organ specifics

Cat digestive system day 2

Quiz - cat digestive system

Biology 5/4-5/8

Objective this week:  To learn more about the protista through the completion of a lake water lab, lecture note sets, and a quiz over these creatures at the end of the week.

Lake water lab - protista

Ciliophora and other groups of protists

Malaria life cycle and DDT

Review for protista quiz

Quiz - protista