Monday, September 26, 2016

6th Science 9/26 - 9/30

Objective this week:  To understand the basics of chemical reactions and the properties of energy contained in chemical reactions.  There will be a quiz on Thursday over reactions and properties of matter.

Review properties of matter and complete a vocab word search over important vocab terms.  Due tomorrow by 4pm.

Begin chemical reactions.  Discuss reactants, products, and energy.  Explain how to determine whether a chemical reaction took place or not.  Read 397 - 404.  Complete # 1- 6 on page 405 by 4pm tomorrow.

Video today - no assignment is due over the video

Quiz over chemical properties, and chemical reactions.  Study parts of chemical equations, and also signs that a chemical reaction has taken place.

Video today

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Field Biology 9/26 - 9/30

Objective this week:  To reach the level of mastery over wildlife legislation and take two quizzes this week to demonstrate that mastery.  We will also be learning wildlife biology techniques of aging deer through tooth wear.

Video - whitetail deer.

Begin aging deer through tooth wear

Learning how to age whitetail deer through tooth wear; jawbone analysis today.  Quiz over wildlife laws 6-10 (dates) and provisions of laws 1-5.

Tooth wear lab continued

Wildlife laws exam - 1-10.  Dates and provisions.  Tooth wear continued.

7th Life Science 9/26 - 9/30

Objective this week:  To learn about gametes and an introduction to genetics through sexual reproduction.

Begin discussing specifics within the nucleus - DNA, chromosomes, and alleles.  Explain how they all are related and important to us as human beings.

Begin discussing sexual reproduction.  Go over gametes, 1N vs 2N cells, and formation of a zygote. Explain how this process involves chromosomes and DNA, and how those structures must be copied for successful cell reproduction to take place.

Discuss the structure of DNA.  Have students build DNA molecules in class and complete a worksheet.  The worksheet link can be found here:

Finish building DNA models if needed.  Begin discussing mitosis in detail

Cell division specifics and review for Monday's quiz.

Zoology 9/26 - 9/30

Objective this week:  To complete the worm unit and take a unit exam on Friday of this week.  Students will achieve a minimum of 80% on the test for our overall classroom goal.

Tapeworm lifecycle specifics and introduce nematodes.

Nematode lecture and review tapeworm/fluke lifecycle

Wednesday & Thursday
Review - all worms

Exam - worm unit

Biology 9/26 - 9/30

Objective this week:  To complete a biodiversity lab activity and show mastery of ecosystems & food chain through the completion of a quiz, with an objective of 85% of the class scoring an 85% on the quiz.

Discuss the importance of biodiversity and begin a biodiversity lab out on the nature trail.

Food chains in ecosystems - discuss energy flows in ecosystems from producers to consumers to decomposers

Review ecosystems and biodiversity.  Quiz on Friday of this week over these concepts.

Biodiversity lab - collect data from styrofoam cups

Review data from styrofoam cups and take quiz

Monday, September 19, 2016

6th Science 9/19 - 9/23

Objective this week:  To understand the states of matter and how they are similar/different, and how chemical reactions work.   We will also define energy and give examples of energy in class.

Film paperslide videos today

Discuss chemical reactions and the conservation of mass.  Explain how mass doesn't change in the chemical reaction as a whole.

Watch these two videos and then discuss.  There will be a book assignment today over important topics learned in class.  Read pages 385 - 393 in your text, and do # 1-6 on page 394.  Due tomorrow by 4pm.

Thursday - Friday 
Create a model discussing changes in particle motion. Differentiated project builds.  Book questions due (Thursday).

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Field Biology 9/19 - 9/23

Objective this week:  To introduce and reinforce knowledge over the life cycle of a white-tailed deer  in the midwest; to reach the level of mastery over the first five wildlife legislation acts we learned in class, with a quiz over these acts on Friday.

Big game management introduction - life cycles of white-tailed deer and mule deer notes.

Review wildlife legislation acts #1-5.  Photoperiodism in white-tailed deer and other animals/organisms.  Emphasis will be on lecture notes.

Mule deer vs whitetail deer management & antler specifics

Review wildlife legislation acts #1-5 for tomorrow's quiz.  Field work/data collection

Quiz - wildlife legislation acts #1-5; field work.

7th Grade Life Science 9/19 - 9/23

Objective this week:  To learn the differences between different animal organ systems.  There will be a quiz on Thursday over the nervous system.

Begin introducing the organ system level of organization.  Discuss the nervous system and parts of the nervous system.  There will be a worksheet handed out over the nervous system today, due tomorrow by 4pm.

Video today - human body systems.

Continue discussing the nervous system; Wrap up and review for tomorrow's quiz.

Quiz over nervous system; Graphic organizers/differentiation over organ systems.

Discuss the muscular system in more detail; compare and contrast these two human body systems.

Biology 9/19 - 9/23

Objective this week:  To learn how ecosystems work and their importance to human beings & other living things.  There will be a quiz on Friday to assess learning.

Begin discussing ecosystems.  Transition from the carbon cycles into their importance into ecosystems as we know them.  Discuss producers, consumers, and decomposers.  Today will mainly be a note taking day.

Video - food chains/lions & hyenas

Ecosystem expansion - outside if weather cooperates; if not, inside work and review producers, consumers, decomposers.  There will be a Google Classroom assignment today.

Discuss biomass and energy consumption/waste at the different trophic levels

Quiz - ecosystems and food chains.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Field Biology 9/12 - 9/16

Objective this week:  To link ecosystem dynamics to conservation and preservation of species.  We will choose a species in the environment and do a 'mini field study' of said species with a goal of determining where the species fits into the environment and depends on/helps other species to survive & thrive. 

Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Ecosystem dynamics - the role of producers, consumers, and decomposers in ecosystems.  Nature trail work/study.

Tuesday, Thursday
Field work - grasshoppers

Wildlife management laws/legislation

Life Science 9/12 - 9/16

Objective this week:  To reach the level of mastery of cells, cellular function & importance, and microscope use.  There will be a quiz on Friday over cellular organelles and their function.

Cellular organelle mini posters; students will draw mini-posters over cells and cellular components as a creative learning/vocabulary review.

Prokaryotic vs eukaryotic cells - what's the difference between each?  There will be an assignment on Google Classroom today where students post links of examples of prokaryotes & eukaryotes.

Video - cells/prokaryotes & eukaryotes.  Review for quiz on Friday.

Review as needed for tomorrow's quiz

Quiz - cells and microscopes

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Zoology 9/12 - 9/16

Objective this week:  To learn the differences between flatworms & roundworms, including their lifecycles, morphology, and their importance to people & animals.  There will be a quiz on Friday over these topics.

Introduction to flatworms - lecture over planarians and other flatworms.  Focus will be on classification and body plan/morphology.

Flatworm walk & talk today .... walking to review vocab words for the Turbellaria

Wednesday - Thursday
Begin discussing flatworm classes Trematoda, and Cestoda.  There will be a Google Classroom assignment over Trematoda on Wednesday, and it will be due Thursday by 4pm.

Quiz - Turbellaria.  Morphology and basic importance of.

6th grade science 9/12 - 9/16

Objective this week:  To reach the level of mastery over atomic structure, molecules, and elements through the successful completion of a paperslide video project.  There will be a quiz on Friday to demonstrate this level of mastery.

Monday - Wednesday
Work on paperslide video over atoms, molecules, & elements.  Students are working in groups to design and film a show highlighting important concepts and vocab learned in class.  All filming (should be) wrapped up by this Wednesday, leaving Thursday & Friday for review/quiz time.

Review concepts/complete a review worksheet

Review and take quiz over atoms, molecules, and elements.

Biology 9/12 - 9/16

Objective this week:  To reach the level of mastery of cellular respiration content knowledge and how it relates to your life and the environment.  At the end of the week, we will have a test over cellular respiration & photosynthesis.  Also this week, we will discuss the importance of carbon and the carbon cycle and how it relates to the environment.

Cellular respiration interviews - students will be interviewed over the process with flash cards they made in class last week to demonstrate knowledge of the process.

Discuss the carbon cycle through notes & class question/answer sessions

Begin review for Friday's test over cellular respiration & photosynthesis.  The review sheet can be found here:

Review session - photosynthesis and cellular respiration.

Test - photosynthesis & cellular respiration

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Field Biology 9/6 - 9/9

Objective this week:  To learn about conservation of species, endangered species, and a basic history of natural resources management.  

Field work, weather pending

history of natural resource management note set

History of natural resource management

Quiz - resource management.

7th Life Science 9/6 - 9/9

Objective this week:  To understand how cells function because of their component parts, and to learn how to use a microscope to look at cells in a cell lab.

video - cellular components.  Please watch this video and write ten facts about the functions of different cell parts from watching the video.

Review cellular components.  Discuss major cellular organelles, their functions, and their purpose.  Microscope basics and microscope lab, if time permits.

Students will complete a pond water microscope activity and complete a handout reviewing what they learned from the lab.

Microscope lab - cells.  Students will look at prepared slides of cells under a microscope and complete a handout.

Zoology 9/6 - 9/9

Objective this week:  To learn and understand the anatomy & physiology of jellyfish and their importance to aquatic ecosystems

Jellyfish anatomy and physiology

Life cycles of jellyfish

Life cycle stories - jellyfish.  Students are to write their own creative stories about the life cycle of jellyfish.  Due tomorrow.

Today we are watching a video.

6th Science 9/6 - 9/9

Objective this week:  To learn about the structure and properties of matter on an atomic level.

Begin discussing matter and components of matter.  Atomic particles discussed today

Atomic particles.  Watch the history of atomic theory today & answer questions over the video

Review vocabulary terms.  Give examples of atoms, molecules, elements, and compounds on the board.  The assignment today is to review the vocab words found in the notes for class tomorrow.

Begin making paperslide video over atoms, atomic structure, & elements

6th Science 9/6 - 9/9

Objective this week:  To learn about the structure and properties of matter on an atomic level.

Begin discussing matter and components of matter.  Atomic particles discussed today

Atomic particles.  Watch the history of atomic theory today & answer questions over the video

Video - substances, mixtures, and compounds.

Begin making paperslide video over atoms, atomic structure, & elements

Biology 9/6 - 9/9

Objective this week:  To discuss the importance of cellular respiration and be able to explain how the process works.

Wrap up photosynthesis by completing the modular activity.  present PSA's to the class.  Introduction to cellular respiration.

Explain the importance of glycolysis and the Kreb's cycle.  Discuss how the process is similar and different to photosynthesis.  Watch the lecture video over cellular respiration on Google Classroom.

Review the first two components of cellular respiration.  Begin explaining and learning about electron transport.

Electron transport and quiz over cellular respiration basics.