Sunday, January 29, 2017

Field Biology 1/30 - 2/3

Objective this week: To wrap up the pond construction unit and prepare for a test next week over the unit to show mastery of the content.

Field work today

Panfish & Catfish options

Wednesday &  Thursday
Review - pond construction and pond unit

Wrap up the aquatic unit.  Field work if time permits

7th Grade Life Science 1/30 - 2/3

Objective this week:  To learn how carbon cycles through different levels of the food chain in the ecosystem and how it's important to other living things in that ecosystem.

Monday & Tuesday
Trophic levels and biomass; how carbon flows throughout these systems.

Lab - nutrient cycling

Thursday & Friday
Biomes and differences in carbon cycling between biomes

Zoology 1/30 - 2/3

Objective this week:  To reach the level of mastery over the different classifications of fish, and the mechanics of the digestive, respiratory, and circulatory systems. 

Finish discussing the anatomy of fish, including the circulatory system.  Then discuss pacific salmon species.

Shark dissection 3

Begin reviewing for next week's fish exam

Shark dissection 4; this should bve a wrap-up on the shark dissection

Review for next week's fish exam

6th Science 1/30 - 2/3

Objective this week:  STEM project - systems building.

The purpose of this class for the week is to comply with and satisfy the Next Generation Science Standard crosscutting concept of systems building.  Essentially, this is a way of investigating how changing parts of a system can affect the entire system as a whole.  The plan for the week is to practice electrical wiring and electrical concepts to build a system that accomplishes several specific tasks and meets certain constraints.  It gives students hands-on and real-world reasoning skills I usually write day-by-day plans, but this week largely depends on the progress the students make on their models.  The first part of the week will be writing and designing the models.  The second half of the week will include testing phases.  By the end of the week, students should have more practice at designing, building and testing systems.

Biology 1/30 - 2/3

Objective this week:  To understand the importance of mutations in living things and how they promote species diversity.

Punnett square worksheet due; begin discussing mutations in genetics.  Review the structure of DNA.

Critical thinking activity and Google Classroom assignment

Mutations and Google Classroom assignment Due by 4pm

Thursday & Friday
Mutation discussion

Sunday, January 22, 2017

7th Grade Life Science 1/23 - 1/27

Objective this week:  To introduce energy flow within ecosystems and learn how carbon is cycled through both living and non-living components of the biosphere.

Perception surveys - Mrs Grout

Photosynthesis and carbon cycling through ecosystems.  Discuss carbon cycle today

Wednesday - Thursday
Carbon cycling and food chain dynamics - critical thinking through the completion of a poster project.

Present carbon cycling poster project

Field Biology 1/23 - 1/27

Objective this week:  To reach the level of mastery over fish pond management by the end of the week.

Big bass pond option, and panfish option

Review major pond stocking options

Pond stocking quiz 1:  All-purpose option

Field work if weather allows; if not, review big bass option

Big bass option quiz

Zoology 1/23 - 1/27

Objective this week:  To learn about bony fish through classroom lecture, and cartilaginous fish through two dissections this week.

Bony fish form and function

Shark dissection 1

Bony fish - species specifics including the salmon.  Multimedia video today.

Shark dissection 2

Quiz - sharks and bony fish.  Discuss the circulatory system in detail.

6th Grade Science 1/23 - 1/27

Objective this week:  To learn how systems work in science, and explain how changes to parts of the system affect the system as a whole; this will effectively cover the NGSS crosscutting concepts of systems and system engineering principles.

Perception surveys with Mrs. Grout

Discuss what "systems" are.  Explain various systems in the world today and how/why systems are important.

Reflect on Tuesday's discussion.  In groups, think critically about a man-made system and discuss/write down components of that system.

Review for tomorrow's quiz over systems

There will be a quiz over systems today in class.  Discuss and review electrical systems.  Read 495 - 502.  Complete questions 1-9 on page 503.  Due Monday.

Biology 1/23 - 1/27

Objective this week:  To learn about test crosses and real-world application of genetics in the classroom.  Also begin discussing codominance and blood typing punnett squares.

Perception surveys with Mrs. Grout

Tuesday & Wednesday
Genotype & phenotype application to corn - relate to real world genetics and industries

Genetics reflection over the corn activity

Multimedia video over blood typing; discuss codominance and blood typing punnett squares

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

6th Science 1/18 - 1/20

Objective this week:  To complete student created heat transfer presentations and to begin construction of a heat transfer STEM project

Heat transfer presentations today

Thursday & Friday
Heat transfer STEM project

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Field Biology 1/18 - 1/20

Objective this week:  To learn about & understand specific fishery management plans for a farm pond

All - purpose option stocking rates, management, & discussion

Thursday & Friday
Big bass option stocking rates, management, & discussion, and catfish stocking rates

7th Grade Life Science 1/18 - 1/20

Objective this week:  To understand how carbon and other elements cycle through the living and non-living parts of the ecosystem.  This week emphasis will be on photosynthesis.

Student presentations - natural selection

Photosynthesis equation and its importance

Carbon cycle and ecosystem cycling

Zoology 1/18 - 1/20

Objective this week:  To understand form & function in fish, including water regulation throughout their bodies.

Water regulation in fresh & saltwater fish, and different fish classes.

Cartilage and bony fish - form and function

Bony fish and salmon discussion

Biology 1/18 - 1/20

Objective this week:  To reach the level of mastery with dihybrid crosses and be able to create a teachable lesson about them using multimedia tools.

Wednesday & Thursday
Dihybrid cross tutorial videos

Dihybrid cross quiz

Monday, January 9, 2017

6th Grade Science 1/9 - 1/13

Objective this week:  To build a STEM project that minimizes heat transfer through real-world principles and design.

Video - Megastructures & concrete engineering

Character education with Mrs Remus

Wednesday - Friday
STEM project design

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Field Biology 1/9 - 1/13

Objective this week:  To understand how farm ponds are managed for different fisheries and recreational uses.

Monday - Friday
Farm pond management; how much we get covered per day will depend on student questions and participation; the first half of the week will mainly discuss how to construct ponds, and the second half of the week will discuss management options and what fish to stock depending on the option.  There will be a quiz given on Friday over pond management/construction.

7th Grade Life Science 1/9 - 1/13

Objective this week:  To compare similarities & differences in embryos of humans vs other creatures, to help students learn about genetics and basics of natural selection.

Monday & Tuesday
Embryonic comparisons in various vertebrates

Google Classroom assignment

Continue embryonic comparisons


Zoology 1/9 - 1/13

Objective this week:  To learn and understand the importance of and facts about primitive fish species, along with basic fish anatomy.

Complete vertebrate design builds

Fish anatomy - gills, fins, slime coat, etc.  Discuss how gill mechanics work and fish tonicity

Jawless fish; facts, form, and function, plus multimedia clips

Cartilaginous fish - facts, form, and function, plus multimedia clips

Review for Monday's quiz over fish

Biology 1/9 - 1/13

Objective this week:  To understand inheritance patterns and probability through the completion of punnett squares.  A quiz will be given on both Wednesday and Friday to demonstrate retention of the content.

Punnett squares - simple crosses (4-box) and worksheet.

Tuesday - Wednesday
Punnett squares - dihybrid crosses (16-box) and worksheet; there will be a quiz on Wednesday over simple crosses.

Practice - punnett square bingo

Quiz - dihybrid crosses (16-box)

Thursday, January 5, 2017

6th Grade Science 1/4 - 1/6

Objective this week:  To reflect on the thermos building STEM project and re-design projects to work more effectively.

Brainstorm ways to modify thermos builds, and re-build projects.

Project builds

Test project builds.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

7th Grade Life Science 1/4 - 1/6

Objective this week:  To compare anatomical similarities & differences between modern organisms and fossil organisms and discuss why those similarities & differences exist.  This will help with inferences towards evolutionary relationships.

Comparative anatomy - dinosaur bones vs human bones; explain similarities & differences

Discussion - comparative anatomy continued.

Video today over this week's topics.

Zoology 1/4 - 1/6

Objective this week:  To learn and understand the characteristics of vertebrates and the transition from non-backboned animals into ones with backbones

Wednesday & Thursday
Vertebrate characteristics and origins

Vertebrate builds

Biology 1/4 - 1/6

Objective this week:  To learn and understand the way genetic variation occurs, and the mechanics of the genes within the process.

Mendel's laws and his pea plant experiments; dominant vs recessive traits explained today.

Continue dominant/recessive traits and begin punnett square construction

Monohybrid (basic) punnett square construction and practice