Sunday, April 30, 2017

Field Biology 5/1 - 5/7

Objective this week:  To work on and complete the environmental problem/wildlife management plan project by Friday of this week.

Management plan project work

Field work

Management plan project work

Management plan.

Management plan oral presentations

7th Life Science 5/1 - 5/5

Objective this week:  To create a solution to human impacts to the environment, such as a solution to discarding excessive plastic bottles into the environment.  This fulfills the NGSS standards of Human Impacts to the Environment.

Human impact case studies on Google Classroom; students will research a human impact and add their input to a Google Classroom post/thread comments.  If you were absent from class, please work on this at home.  If you don't have an iPad, you can use a desktop computer or laptop and access Google Classroom through 

Tuesday - Friday
STEM - student-designed solutions to human impacts.  Create a prototype/apply ideas to continental issues created by human beings.

Zoology 5/1 - 5/5

Objective this week:  To create a birdwatching journal, identify birds in Kansas, and learn about different organ systems within birds.

Creation of birdwatching journal on Google Docs; discuss feather anatomy with time remaining, if any.

Review & discuss feather anatomy; Then discuss bird digestive systems & respiratory systems.

Bird  beak worksheet and research.  Here is the link to the assignment, due tomorrow ( we won't do the build/film a beak today.  Just turn in the written part).

Birdwatching day #1

Birdwatching day #2

6th Science 5/1 - 5/5

Objective this week:  To reach the level of mastery over the electromagnetic spectrum through the completion of a paperslide video dealing with major electromagnetic concepts.

Monday - Thursday
Brainstorming & building a paperslide video project over the electromagnetic spectrum.

Film electromagnetic spectrum paperslides.

Biology 5/1 - 5/5

Objective this week:  To complete a STEM project where students build a functional water filter to filter out water toxins.

This week will be almost exclusively dealing with the construction of water filtration designs; students must have a functional, working prototype by this Friday.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Field Biology 4/24 - 4/28

Objective this week:  To learn and understand different types of waste in landfills and how they can affect your life & the environment.

Monday & Tuesday
Notes over waste categories & hazard levels

Trip to landfill - discuss waste and procedures

Landfill maintenance and review for quiz

Quiz - landfills and waste categories

7th Life Science 4/24 - 4/28

Objective this week:  To complete biosuit project testing, reflect on the process, and take a unit quiz over homeostasis by the end of the week.

Biosuit testing and presentations.

Tuesday - Wednesday
Biosuit reflection, wrap-up, review

Review of homeostasis for tomorrow's quiz

Quiz - homeostasis

Zoology 4/24 - 4/28

Objective this week:  To demonstrate mastery of reptile content through the completion of a reptile unit exam on Tuesday; begin discussing birds & their adaptations this week as well.

Assignment on Google classroom (reptiles).  Review for tomorrow's exam

Unit exam - reptiles.

Wednesday - Thursday
Bird anatomy & physiology; flight mechanics and digestive system

Bird video/lab

6th Science 4/24 - 4/28

Objective this week:  To learn about the electromagnetic spectrum and begin working on a paper slide show project over the electromagnetic spectrum to demonstrate mastery of the content.

Electromagnetic spectrum - why are some materials clear, and others are not?  Discussion here.  Begin talking about wavelength, frequency, and energy.

Tuesday - Wednesday
Electromagnetic wave trends and patterns

Vocab review over pages 458 - 466 in the text

Quiz - electromagnetic spectrum

Biology 4/24 - 4/28

Objective this week:  To understand the major types of protista and how they affect our lives on a daily basis

Monday - Tuesday
Specific protista phyla and their importance

Review protista and take quiz

Thursday & Friday
Protista STEM project - water filtration

Monday, April 17, 2017

Field Biology 4/18 - 4/23

Objective this week:  To continue studying water quality, and to learn the importance of landfills & landfill operation.

Landfill operation

Water quality testing

Landfill operation & recycling; biomagnification of landfill contents around the globe

Water quality testing

7th Grade Science 4/18 - 4/23

Objective this week:  Complete the design of the biosuit and test those designed models in a simulated environment.

Tuesday- Wednesday
Complete biosuit design project

Test biosuits/finish design

Reflect/redesign projects

Zoology 4/18 - 4/23

Objective:  To learn more about the anatomy of the turtle shell, turtle species in Kansas, and review for next week's reptile unit test.

Turtle shell scutes and Kansas turtle species identification

Wrap up Kansas turtles; begin review for next week's exam.

Thursday & Friday
Review - reptile unit exam

6th Science 4/18 - 4/23

Objective this week:  To complete a basic student-made teachable lesson over wave properties and have the students teach that lesson individually to Mr. Hadachek to show mastery of the content.

Tuesday & Wednesday
Student workdays - Teachable lesson unit.

Wednesday & Thursday
Student lesson presentations

Wrap up student lessons and begin discussing the electromagnetic spectrum

Biology 4/18 - 4/21

Objective this week:  To understand the different types of protista, and how they differ from other life forms we've studied this semester.

Introduction to the protista - basic anatomy & physiology

Protista continued - different phyla of protista explained

Protista lab - pond water and water quality

Protista quiz and protista review

Monday, April 10, 2017

Field Biology 4/10 - 4/13

Objective this week:  To complete water quality testing in several different aquatic environments around the local community.

Monday - Thursday
This week will involve water quality testing in several locations.  Samples will be taken and brought back to the classroom.  Those samples will then be tested using Vernier data analysis software.  I don't have a particular subject for each day of the week for this weeks' lesson planning, as it depends on the time needed to test the samples with the Vernier probes, the weather, etc.  I will update this set of plans as the week progresses.

7th Grade Life Science 4/10 - 4/13

Objective this week:  To discuss human impacts on the earth and begin the process of discussing a way to reduce the impacts humans leave on our planet.

Discuss natural hazards to humans and discuss tornados, tsunamis, and earthquakes

Explain how humans create hazards for the environment as well; pollution is a major focus of today's class.

Wednesday & Thursday
Discuss how humans can affect the natural resources on their planet through the consumption of those resources; explain logistic vs exponential growth and review limiting factors.

Zoology 4/10 - 4/13

Objective this week:  To complete a quiz over snake identification in Kansas, and to learn about Kansas turtle species and turtle anatomy.

Kansas turtle species and review Kansas snake species.

Kansas snake quiz; three egg-layers, two live bearers, and two venomous snakes

Wednesday & Thursday
Kansas turtle identification and anatomy of turtles (concentrating on the turtle shell)

6th Grade Science 4/10 - 4/13

Objective this week:  To complete the homeostasis project and begin discussing the electromagnetic spectrum.

Wrap up homeostasis project

Electromagnetic spectrum - wavelength & wave properties

Electromagnetic wave properties

Quiz - electromagnetic spectrum

Biology 4/10 - 4/13

Objective this week:  To show level of mastery over bacteria and viruses through the completion of a test over these areas on Thursday of this week.

Review bacteria & viruses; discuss differences between HIV and AIDS, and explain how they affect you and your life.

Wrap up bacteria & viruses; student review for Thursday's test.

Video - Ebola virus

Bacteria exam

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Field Biology 4/3 4/7

Objective this week:  To complete a unit over wastewater filtration facilities, their operation, and their maintenance, and to participate in field work as weather permits.

Wastewater facility operation and procedure

Field work

Wastewater facility investigation

Field work

Hadachek absent; video today.

7th Life Science 4/3 - 4/7

Objective this week:  To design and complete a basic biosuit that meets predetermined constraints (STEM project).

Monday - Thursday
STEM project - biosuit construction and design phases

Hadachek absent; video today

Zoology 4/3 - 4/7

Objective this week:  Present last week's snake projects.  To learn the anatomy & physiology of turtles and learn how to identify the various species of turtles in Kansas.  Students will also take a quiz over Kansas snakes this week.

Snake presentations in class.

Snake project presentations before morning meeting; turtle anatomy (mainly shell anatomy)

Kansas turtle identification

Kansas snake quiz 1.  Kansas turtle identification continued.

Students absent - prom decorating

6th Grade Science 4/3 - 4/7

Objective this week:  To complete the homeostasis project and reflect on its importance

Monday & Tuesday
Homeostasis project - complete by Tuesday

Track meet - most students absent; review/watch video

Reflect on homeostasis project and complete testing over project

Hadachek absent; video today

Biology 4/3 - 4/7

Objective this week:  To learn the anatomy & physiology of viruses. understand their lifecycle, and complete the bacteria growth lab.

Check bacterial culture plates and record data; discuss viral shapes and lytic viral cycle.

Review lytic viral cycles.  Discuss lysogenic viral cycle

Wednesday & Thursday
Viral differentiation project

Video - Hadachek absent.