Tuesday, August 29, 2017

If you missed 7th Grade Life Science today.......

Here is the worksheet we did; it's a math worksheet, but designed to teach you how volume increases faster than surface area; this is a big deal when it comes to cell size, because this is what limits cells to being so small.  Please complete the worksheet.  If you have any questions, which is very possible, please come see me ASAP so I can help guide you through this.....thanks!

Monday, August 28, 2017

Zoology 8/28 - 9/1

Objective this week:  To understand how animals are placed into groups through taxonomy.  There will be a quiz on Friday over this material along with animal characteristics.

This week will focus on animal characteristics and how we classify animals into different groups; most of this week will involve lecture & graphic organizers, and will focus on student learning through question/answer sessions & explanations.

Anatomy 8/28 - 9/1

Objective this week:  To learn the language of of anatomy with anatomical terms through the completion of three lecture period and two labs.  There will be a quiz on Friday to demonstrate mastery over scientific terms.

Anatomical language and feedback mechanism.  Focus on anatomical terms today.

Lab - anatomical terms.

Anatomical term study video/guide.

Lab - anatomical terms.

Quiz - anatomical terms.

Environmental Science 8/28 - 9/1

Objective this week:  To be able to identify common plants in Kansas.

This week we will be identifying plants in the classroom and outside, through the use of field guides, plant specimen books, & Internet resources.  I don't have a "daily" lesson plan for this class this week, because much of it is driven with the weather and student comprehension; by the end of the week students must be able to identify Big & Little Bluestem, Switch Grass, Sideoats Grama, and Ragweed for a quiz on Friday.

One of the major assignments this week will be to create a multimedia study guide for the plant & grass species listed above.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

7th Life Science 8/28 - 9/1

Objective this week:  To understand the different structures within a cell, and how these structures allow the cell to function.

Begin discussing the size of cells and why they're so small; including surface to volume ratios.  There will be an assignment on Google Classroom that will be due on Wednesday.

Begin microscope lab; learn the parts of a microscope.

Assignment from Monday due; begin learning about the anatomy of cells from the outside inward.

Microscope lab

Quiz - cell basics

6th Science 8/28 - 9/1

Objective this week:  To understand the importance of systems to your life and the different types of systems.

Introduction to systems components; discuss what goes into a system and then what the types of systems are.  Complete a systems identification worksheet.

Systems and how they work; students will design their own system and explain what type of system it is.

Discuss the engineering design process and practice.

Begin scribble bots and review for quiz tomorrow.

Quiz - systems

Biology 8/28 - 9/1

Objective this week:  To introduce and understand the concept of photosynthesis and how it relates to natural systems and your life.

The photosynthesis equation.  Give the equation and all parts of the process.  Discuss how it relates to natural systems.

Watch the Bozeman Science photosynthesis video; student-made study guides based on the process.

Students will begin a differentiated activity over photosynthesis.  The activity link can be found here:

Differentiated activity.

Begin photosynthesis interviews for assessment purposes.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

All RHJSHS classes 8/23 - 8/25

Since this is the first few days of school, and things are going to be hectic, I thought it would be best to post one topic for parents & students for ALL CLASSES to explain how the first few days will work; it will be pretty much the same routine for all class periods this week, so here we go:

WELCOME BACK WEDNESDAY!  This is the first day back, and it will be filled with class meetings, orientations, etc.

CRT testing ... semester pre-testing for all of my classes today.  The CRT will be done on Quia.

Class introductions/meetings, etc....