Thursday, December 21, 2017

Zoology 1/4 - 1/5

Objective this week:  To introduce vertebrates and their characteristics.

Vertebrate characteristics day 1 - lecture

Vertebrate characteristic lab (graded points for the week).

Anatomy 1/4 - 1/5

Objective this week:  To introduce and learn basics of the central nervous system, and the effects of drugs on this system.

Video ... world's most dangerous drug

CNS structures & discussion over video.

Field Biology 1/4 - 1/5

Objective this week:  To learn how to identify various trees by the shape of their leaves.

Thursday & Friday
Tree identification through leaves.  Assignment grade will be determined by specimen collection.

7th Grade Life Science 1/4 - 1/5

Objective this week:  To understand similarities & differences between living things by comparing anatomical structures.

Classroom pledge activity.  No assignment.

FridayAnatomical similarities & differences - lecture today.  No assignment.

6th Grade Science 1/4 - 1/5

Objective this week:  To understand the importance of energy, what energy is, and differences between potential & kinetic energy.

Thursday & Friday
Discussion of potential vs. kinetic energy and the energy harnessed by engineered systems.  There will be a worksheet over this material.

Biology 1/4 - 1/5

Objective this week:  To understand the basics of genetics through the investigation of Mendel's work.

Begin discussing Mendel's Laws and his pea plant experiments.

Mendel's laws and specifically his Law of Dominance.  Internet assignment today.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Zoology 12/18 - 12/21

Objective this week:  To demonstrate the level of mastery of learned concepts throughout the semester through the completion of a semester final exam.

Open study for Thursday's final


No class with me

Final exam

Anatomy 12/18 - 12/21

Objective this week:  To demonstrate the level of mastery of learned concepts throughout the semester through the completion of a semester final exam.

BB students gone; begin studying for final exam & discuss muscle metabolism

Cat dissection 1

Final exam & cat dissection 2

No class with me

Environmental Science 12/18 - 12/21

Objective this week:  To demonstrate the level of mastery of learned concepts throughout the semester through the completion of a semester final exam.

Begin discussing final exam.  Explain what to know, test format, etc

Final exam review/field work

No class with me

Final exam

7th Grade Life Science 12/18 - 12/21

Objective this week:  To demonstrate the level of mastery of learned concepts throughout the semester through the completion of a semester final exam.

Bug bingo

Review for tomorrow's final exam

Final exam

No class with me

6th Grade Science 12/18 - 12/21

Objective this week:  To demonstrate the level of mastery of learned concepts throughout the semester through the completion of a semester final exam.

Video today - 15 facts over the video.

Open review for final

No class

Final exam

Biology 12/18 - 12/21

Objective this week:  To demonstrate the level of mastery of learned concepts throughout the semester through the completion of a semester final exam.

Ant castes and how they work

Open review - final exam

Final exam

No class

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Zoology 12/11 - 12/15

Objective this week:  To reach the level of mastery over the class Insecta with the completion of a unit quiz over the grasshopper dissection.

Assignments at a glance:  Vocab practice sheet, student whiteboard presentation, dissection packet due, grasshopper unit quiz.

Grasshopper dissection - internal anatomy and vocab practice

Student presentations - arthropods (students will present on whiteboards)

Dissection packet due and open study for grasshopper unit quiz

Grasshopper unit quiz

Bug bingo vocab game

Anatomy & Physiology 12/11 - 12/15

Objective this week:  To learn about the energy mechanisms of muscle metabolism and complete a quiz over the upper and lower body bones in lab.  CCCC concurrent students will take their final exam on Wednesday of this week.

Assignments at a glance:  Two vocab practice worksheets, a bone lab quiz, and the semester exam for CCCC concurrent students

Muscle unit continued; muscle layering systems and energy mechanics.  Vocab practice sheet to do for points.

Practical quiz over upper & lower body bones today.

Final Exam for CCCC concurrent students.  Other students will be watching videos in class with headphones.

Muscle unit continued; finish the energy mechanics today.  Complete a vocab practice sheet for points.

Cat lab today

Field Biology 12/11 - 12/15

Objective this week:  To identify common trees in Kansas through field work.  Bark and leaf identification will be a major theme this week.

Usually, this is reserved for the first few weeks of the second semester; but with the 50-ish degree weather this week, it may be the best time to get out to look at them so we're going for it while we can!!

Assignments at a glance:  Public speaking component for points (about the wildlife management plan), a minimum of two field assignments over the identification of trees.

Presentation of wildlife management plans for points.

Tuesday - Thursday
Tree identification and field work this week; assignments will be small field assignments over basic tree identification.

Tree identification and leaf collection project in class.

7th Grade Science 12/11 - 12/15

Objective this week:  To reach the level of mastery over geologic time frames, and demonstrate this mastery with the completion of a quiz at the end of the week over this material.

Assignments at a glance:  Table top activity for points, vocab review sheet, quiz.

General life and creatures of all eras.  No assignment today, with emphasis on note work.

Tuesday & Wednesday
Table top activity setup and collaboration; students will write on paper taped to table tops regarding major eras of geologic time; they will then rotate to other tables and write more facts found online & read what other classmates have written.  This will be for points.

Review all parts of the geologic time frame for tomorrow's quiz.  Complete a vocab review sheet in class.

Quiz - geologic time frame.

6th Grade Science 12/11 - 12/15

Objective this week:  To understand the dynamics of magnetic fields through lab work & project completion, and to reach the level of mastery over electric flow through the completion of a quiz on Wednesday of this week.

Assignments at a glance:  Facts learned in class today and/or over videos, electricity quiz, reflection over magnetic projects.

Begin discussing magnetic fields. Write down five things learned in class today or on the videos we watched for points.  The videos are on Google Classroom.

Worksheet due; magnetic field setup for lab today.

Magnetic field/magnet building project.  Quiz over electricity vocab.

Critical thinking activity in class for points.

Magnetic field reflections due; Finish magnetic fields today

Biology 12/11 - 12/15

Objective this week:  To complete all phases of the crayfish dissection & understand the vocab & anatomy associated with it.

**Assignments this week will mainly be in-class assignments and the completion of the crayfish dissection packet.  There will be a crayfish test on  Friday over this dissection**

Crayfish dissection - master external anatomy & vocab.  Begin dissecting crayfish parts and look at the inner anatomy.

Dissection of all crayfish parts; look at specimens under the dissection microscopes.

Wrap up crayfish dissection; review as needed.

Open review for crayfish lab test

Crayfish lab test.  Turn in lab packet.

Monday, December 4, 2017

7th Grade Life Science 12/4 - 12/8

Objective this week:  To discuss major eras & periods in the geologic time scale.

Quiz - radioactive carbon dating and geologic time.  Turn in study guides.  Begin watching video.

Video - Prehistoric life

Geologic time frames explained.  Differences between Eras, Periods, & Epochs.  Precambrian time today.  Vocab activity assignment in class.

Thursday & Friday
Major geologic time periods and life existing during those times.  Thursday we will complete a worksheet assignment in class based off the geologic time scale that's on Google Classroom. 

Field Biology 12/4 -12/8

Objective this week:  To complete a comprehensive management plan with a given acreage to suit your own needs.

Monday - Friday
Management plan & outside activities (weather pending)

Zoology 12/4 - 12/8

Objective this week:  To reach the level of mastery over insect anatomy through the completion of a grasshopper dissection

Grasshopper dissection 1 - external anatomy (specifically the head & mouthparts)

Review head/mouthparts.  Examine & identify other external features.

Wednesday & Thursday
Internal anatomy of the grasshopper and vocab review

Quiz - grasshopper parts

Anatomy & Physiology 12/4 - 12/8

Objective this week:  To reach the level of mastery over the bone unit & take a test over it on Tuesday, and introduce the muscular system.

Open review - bone unit

Bone unit exam

Wednesday - Friday
Muscle unit - anatomy, physiology, and characteristics of muscle tissue

6th Grade Science 12/4 - 12/8

Objective this week:  To complete testing of Newton Scooters and begin discussing electricity & magnetism

Complete Newton Scooter testing and complete the reflection over it.

Begin discussing electric circuits and how they work.

Electric circuit demonstrations

Magnetic fields 1 and review for quiz

Quiz - electric circuits and Newton Scooters

Biology 12/4 - 12/8

Objective this week:  To reach level of mastery over mitosis/meiosis and take a test over these forms of cell division on Thursday.

Cell division drawings

Video in class/worksheet

Open review - cell division

Test - Mitosis/Meiosis

Discussion - critical thinking