Sunday, March 29, 2020

Environmental Science 3/31 - 4/3

Please see Google Classroom for possible learning & enrichment activities over farm pond and fisheries management. 

Anatomy & Physiology 3/31 - 4/3

Objective this week:  To understand the basics of the human reproductive system.   Tuesday there will be a Zoom meeting that's important for CCCC concurrent students to attend; non-CCCC students are encouraged to participate in this unit also.  There will be a couple of assignments this week as well.  See Google Classroom for details.

7th Grade Life Science

Objective this week:  To understand the basics of viruses and how they work.  Tuesday there will be a Zoom meeting that's important for students to attend.  There will be a couple of assignments this week as well.  See Google Classroom for details.

6th Grade Science 3/31 - 4/3

Objective this week:  To understand differences between atoms & molecules.  Tuesday there will be a Zoom meeting and it's important for students to attend.  There will be a couple of assignments this week as well.  See Google Classroom for details.

Biology 3/31 - 4/3

Objective this week:  To understand what viruses are, how they work, and their effect on the world historically and currently.  Tuesday there will be a Zoom meeting that's important for students to attend.  There will be a couple of assignments this week as well.  See Google Classroom for details.

Monday, March 2, 2020

6th Grade Science 3/2 - 3/6

Objective this week:  To understand how light waves interact with different media and explain how devices are designed to use light waves

Monday & Tuesday
Behavior of light waves - complete pages 61 - 66 in the workbook. 

Begin maze activity - prototype drawing and concepts

Thursday, Friday
Maze building activity and light reflection

7th Grade Life Science 3/2 - 3/6

Finish owl pellet lab, sort all bones, and finish worksheet

Discuss limiting factors and their role in the environment

Activity for points - limiting factors

Biomes - different types and roles.  Google Classroom assignment for points

Continue discussing biomes;

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Environmental Science 3/2 - 3/6

Finish Kansas fish species - rough fish

Create a Google Slide study guide with up to ten Kansas fish species

Review Google Slides.

Juniors absent

Quiz - white basses, panfish, and rough fish

Anatomy 3/2 - 3/6

ECG waves and systole/diastole

Wrap up heart unit and review

Review for heart unit exam


Heart unit exam.  There is a 100/80 performance objective.

Biology 3/2 - 3/6

Begin classification of organisms.  Discuss taxonomy and what it represents.

Wrap up paperslide video project.

Film paperslide video project

Keys - examples and create your own

Key practice