Sunday, January 30, 2011

Field Biology 1/31-2/4

Objective: Introduce fish from Kansas.  Kansas Fish Set #1.  Concentrate on catfish species.  Catfish section in KS Fish note set

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework:  Kansas Fisheries worksheet (catfish)

Objective: Discuss other sport fish from Kansas.  Specifically walleye, white bass, wipers, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, and panfish

Text: none

Vocab: see note set
Homework:  Kansas Fisheries worksheet (sport fish & panfish)

Objective: Investigate non-sport fish in Kansas.  Non-sport fish section of note set

Text: none

Vocab:  see note set
Homework:  Non-sport fish worksheet.  Study for ten point quiz over Kansas fish (Thursday)

Objective: 100% of class gets an 85% or higher on quiz.  Take Kansas fish quiz.  Review for wildlife careers test

Text: none

Vocab: see note set(s)
Homework:  Study for wildlife careers test

Objective:  100/85 on wildlife careers test.  Review fisheries notes

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Anatomy 1/31-2/4

Objective: Introduce peripheral nervous system divisions.  PNS through parasympathetic division in PNS note set

Text: page 364; 456-457

Vocab:  sensory, motor, autonomic, mechanoreceptors, thermoreceptors, photoreceptors, chemoreceptors, nociceptors
Homework: Sensory receptor worksheet

Objective: Introduce reflex activity in various body regions. Reflex activity section on note set

Text:  Read 484-490

Vocab: Integration, spinal reflexes, tendon reflexes, reflex centers
Homework:  Review/study notes for at least 15 minutes

Objective: Make a quiz study guide and peer review.  Write quiz questions for study & practice

Text:  all pages previously assigned this week - review.  Page 466-467 for the worksheet

Vocab:  cranial nerve vocab on 466-467
Homework:  Cranial nerve worksheet

Objective: Investigate neural integration.  Brain wave patterns and sleep.  Neural integration section of note set.

Text:  525-530

Vocab:  EEG, brain waves, alpha waves, beta waves, theta waves, delta waves, epilepsy, NREM, REM
Homework:  review notes for at least 15 minutes.  Study for quiz tomorrow.

Objective: Take quiz over Monday & Tuesday material.  Discuss dreams

Text: none

Vocab: review terms from this week
Homework:  None

Earth Science Assist 1/31-2/4

Objective: To learn about the basics of geological time, including eras, periods, and epochs.  To put geological time into perspective based on our perception of time

Text:  303-305

Vocab: era, period, epoch
Homework:  classwork:  Draw geological time clocks.  Homework page 305 #1-4 due tomorrow

Objective: Discuss Pre-cambrian time and Paleozoic era

Text: 308-313

Vocab:  Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian
Homework: none

Objective: Discuss the Mesozoic Era and all related periods

Text: 314-315

Vocab:  Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous
Homework:  Mesozoic Worksheet

Objective: Discuss Cenozoic Era and all periods

Text: 315, 319 & 320

Vocab: Tertiary Period, Quarternary Period
Homework: #1-5 on 320

Objective: To link together all Eras & Periods

Text: 308-320

Vocab:  Study note vocab & terms
Homework:  Geologic Time concept map

Applied Bio 1/31-2/4

Objective: To learn about one of the deadliest viruses in the world - Ebola by viewing a video about its destructive effects

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: turn in Ebola video questions

Objective: Finish Ebola video, hand out vocab practice sheet or concept map for bacteria/virus unit

Text: Chapters 24 & 25 in book

Vocab: see vocab practice sheet
Homework:  Define vocab words and turn in by Wed.

Objective: To review all major terms and concepts for the bacteria/virus unit test

Text: Chapters 24 & 25

Vocab: see review sheet
Homework: study!!

Objective: To have an open cooperative review/peer review over vocab terms; open study for test

Text: Chapters 24, 25

Vocab: study all
Homework: Study!!

Objective: To take a unit test over bacteria/viruses and have the entire class score at least 80%


Homework: none

Biology 1/31-2/4

Objective:  To learn & discuss algae protists.  Protista note set algae section

Text: none

Vocab: bacilliarophyta, chlorophyta, rhodophyta, phaeophyta
Homework:  Look up the Malaria (Nat Geo) link on the biology sites link and answer worksheet questions

Objective:  Protista Lab #1 - Non-algal protists, and protozoa

Text: None

Vocab: Paramecium, Nostoc, Amoeba
Homework:  Nat Geo homework due; finish lab handout

Objective: Practice protista vocab - cover tables with paper and make protista study guides

Text: none

Vocab: protista unit vocab applies here
Homework: none

Objective: Protista Lab #2 - algal diversity

Text: none

Vocab: vocab from algae section in protista note set
Homework: finish lab sheet #2

Objective: Review for protista test

Text: none

Vocab: Protista unit vocab
Homework:  study for test

Monday, January 24, 2011

Anatomy 1/24-1/28

CNS wrap-up

Text - 426-427


lateralization of cortical functioning
corpus callosum

Homework:  Five sentence paragraph about the importance of CNS ... then re-write with left hand

Review for CNS Test

Text -Chapter 12


All that apply from review sheet

Homework: Review Chapter 12 material for test

Review for CNS Test


Text -Chapter 12


All that apply from review sheet

Homework: Concept Map of CNS due Thurs

Review for CNS Test

Text -Chapter 12


All that apply from review sheet

Homework: Review Chapter 12 material for test

CNS Test

Text -Chapter 12


All that apply from review sheet

Homework: None