Sunday, January 30, 2011

Anatomy 1/31-2/4

Objective: Introduce peripheral nervous system divisions.  PNS through parasympathetic division in PNS note set

Text: page 364; 456-457

Vocab:  sensory, motor, autonomic, mechanoreceptors, thermoreceptors, photoreceptors, chemoreceptors, nociceptors
Homework: Sensory receptor worksheet

Objective: Introduce reflex activity in various body regions. Reflex activity section on note set

Text:  Read 484-490

Vocab: Integration, spinal reflexes, tendon reflexes, reflex centers
Homework:  Review/study notes for at least 15 minutes

Objective: Make a quiz study guide and peer review.  Write quiz questions for study & practice

Text:  all pages previously assigned this week - review.  Page 466-467 for the worksheet

Vocab:  cranial nerve vocab on 466-467
Homework:  Cranial nerve worksheet

Objective: Investigate neural integration.  Brain wave patterns and sleep.  Neural integration section of note set.

Text:  525-530

Vocab:  EEG, brain waves, alpha waves, beta waves, theta waves, delta waves, epilepsy, NREM, REM
Homework:  review notes for at least 15 minutes.  Study for quiz tomorrow.

Objective: Take quiz over Monday & Tuesday material.  Discuss dreams

Text: none

Vocab: review terms from this week
Homework:  None

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