Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Applied Earth Assist 5/2-5/6

Objective: Finish Apollo 13 if needed;  students will work on a moon activity/creative thinking assignment.  Goal:  100% completion of assignment, 100% passing assignment with a B+ grade or higher

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework:  finish creative thinking assignment

Objective: take quiz over moon cycles/phases/facts.  Begin discussing solar system.  Geocentric vs heliocentric systems, early astronomers, intertia, & orbit

Text:  670-675

Vocab: inertia, gravity,  ellipse, heliocentric, geocentric mnemonic device

Homework:  Read 670-675

Objective: Inner planets; review gravity & inertia; discuss retrograde motion

Text: 682-689

Vocab: Phobos, Deimos

Homework: read 682-689

Objective:  Discuss the outer planets, including surface composition & atmosphere

Text: 690-697

Vocab: none - review planet names and mnemonic devices

Homework: study notes for 15 minutes

Objective: Watch a video about the formation of the solar system (stream from Netflix)

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none