Monday, December 5, 2011

Applied Biology 12/5-12/9


Begin evolution discussion; explain the topic, and cover relevant state science standards regarding evolution.  The evolution notes will be given via PowerPoint.  Homework:  Watch Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium video lecture part 1 by Wednesday.  Take notes over the video, and your notes will be graded.


Continue evolution discussion, keying in on natural selection and Charles Darwin.  Finch beaks, jaw diversity in cichlid fish jaws.  Homework:  Watch the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium video lecture part 2 by Friday.  Take notes over the video, and your notes will be graded.


Watch the Howard Hughes Medical Institute video over Charles Darwin and his work, and answer the worksheet question over the video.


Turn in the video questions if you have not done so; eview any major evolution/natural selection topics not covered; discuss cladograms and how they work, and do a cladogram activity in class.


Cladograms/video review make-up; be prepared to discuss Hardy-Weinberg starting on Monday of next week!!!