Monday, February 27, 2012

Field Biology 2/27-3/2

Major Objectives this Week:

  • To learn specifics about Kansas fish species
  • To conduct a field study at Jamestown Marsh
  • To present a karaoke performance over bird migration


Continue Kansas fish notes; paddlefish assignment due today


Present karaoke project.  Continue Kansas fish notes


Field study @ Jamestown Marsh (noon-4pm)


Kansas fish notes/fish project


TBA - Hadachek absent

Applied Biology 2/27-3/2

Major Objectives this Week:

  • To practice using Flash-animated mind-mapping tools and use as a study guide
  • To learn advantages & disadvantages between sexual/asexual reproduction in bacteria
  • To score an 85% or better on Friday's bacteria quiz


Begin a Mindmeister concept map over bacteria divisions.  Sign up for an account at


Finish your Mindmeister concept map over bacteria divisions.  Submit/share with Mr. Hadachek


Discuss sexual vs. asexual reproduction in bacteria, and the benefits/consequences of each.  Differentiated learning over bacteria.


Review for bacteria quiz (the quiz will be over Eubacteria & Archaebacteria, and will be 20 questions long).


Bacteria quiz over Archaebacteria & Eubacteria  There is an 85/85 performance objective over this quiz

Biology 2/27-3/2

Major Objectives this Week:

  • To practice using Flash-animated mind-mapping tools and use as a study guide
  • To learn advantages & disadvantages between sexual/asexual reproduction in bacteria
  • To score an 85% or better on Friday's bacteria quiz


Finish the Mindmeister concept map over bacteria divisions.  Submit/share via E Mail


Discuss sexual vs. asexual reproduction in bacteria, and the benefits/consequences of each.  Differentiated learning over bacteria.


Finish differentiated instruction over bacteria, and hand out review sheet for Friday's quiz


Review for bacteria quiz (the quiz will be over Eubacteria & Archaebacteria, and will be 20 questions long).


Bacteria quiz over Archaebacteria & Eubacteria  There is an 85/85 performance objective over this quiz

Anatomy 2/27-3/2

Major Objectives this Week:

  • To learn the path of blood flow through your body
  • To complete a worksheet that helps in your understanding over the cardiovascular system
  • Practice mind mapping technology at


Discuss the cardiovascular system, specifically the path the blood flow travels through the heart.  Cover all major blood vessels on the board, and heart chambers.  Label/color-code these notes for better comprehension


Review blood flow through the heart.  Discuss bypass surgeries, and AICD units.  Assign cardio worksheet, which is due by Wednesday


Cardio worksheet due.  Practice vocab in cardiovascular unit, and class activity over the heart


Go to the CRC and work on a mind map over the cardiovascular system at, and follow the handout accordingly


Finish up the Mindmeister mind map project

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Field Biology 2/21-2/24


Work on song lyrics and try to wrap up; basketball players leave @ 2:15


Field work 


Field work


TBA - basketball players leave...

Applied Biology 2/21-2/24

Major Objectives this Week:

  • to learn about the Archaea and Eubacteria
  • to participate in a lab to look at bacteria under a microscope
  • to learn the Gram Stain procedure
  • to take a quiz over Archaea and the lab, and score at least an 85%


Discuss bacteria basics and Kingdom Archaea.  Read pages 467-473.  Do questions #1-6 on page 473 as homework.  This will be due tomorrow at the beginning of class.


473 (1-6) due today at the beginning of the period.  Collect bacterial cultures on your plate.  Bacteria lab using microscopes.  Look at slides, and then fill out the lab sheet.  Also, investigate the procedure for making a Gram Stain today.


Discuss the basics of Eubacteria.  Review the Archaea and Gram Stain procedures.  Study for the bacteria quiz tomorrow!!  Lab sheet due today.


Bacteria quiz today over Kingdom Archaea and the microscope lab (maximum of 15 points/questions on this quiz).  Analyze bacteria plates and fill out lab sheet.

Biology 2/21-2/24

Major Objectives this Week:

  • to learn about the Archaea and Eubacteria
  • to participate in a lab to look at bacteria under a microscope
  • to learn the Gram Stain procedure
  • to take a quiz over Archaea and the lab, and score at least an 85%


2nd & 4th periods:  Analyze bacterial culture plates and fill out worksheet.  Lab worksheet due tomorrow, 2/22.  Do as homework if necessary to complete on time.  Discuss bacteria basics and Kingdom Archaea

7th period:  Discuss Kingdom Archaea and film hand-washing PSA's.


Bacteria lab using microscopes.  Look at slides, and then fill out the lab sheet.  Also, investigate the procedure for making a Gram Stain today.


Discuss the basics of Eubacteria.  Review the Archaea and Gram Stain procedures.  Study for the bacteria quiz tomorrow!!


Bacteria quiz today over Kingdom Archaea and the microscope lab (maximum of 15 points/questions on this quiz).

Anatomy 2/21-2/24

Major Objectives this Week:

  • to finish/reach level of mastery on the special senses unit
  • to review for Friday's test
  • to score at least an 85% on Friday's unit test


Finish the special senses unit.  Review conduction & sensorineural deafness.  Discuss frequencies and decibels and what we can do to protect our sense of hearing every day.  Hand out review sheet for Friday's special senses test.  Discuss review sheet and analyze areas of concern for the test.


Review for the test via the review sheet.


TBA/open study for the test.


Take the special senses test.  There is an 85/85 performance objective on this test. (85% of the class score at least an 85% on the test)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Applied Biology 2/14-2/16

Objectives this week:
  • Design biology-related Valentine's Day cards with an educational review twist
  • Become familiar with divisions of archaebacteria
  • Swab surfaces and learn how to apply to culture media


Happy Valentine's Day!!  Today we will make biology Valentine's Day cards!  Pick any subject we've covered this year and make a Valentines card.  The card must have at least two pictures or drawings, a biological message, and a review question.  Due by the end of the period to Mr. Hadachek


Introduce the basics of bacteria, and cover several major divisions of Archaea.  The lecture will be watched in class, as a video format.


Bacteria growth lab; today we will swab bacteria and culture it on growth medium in culture plates

Biology 2/14-2/16

Objectives this week:
  • Design biology-related Valentine's Day cards with an educational review twist
  • Become familiar with divisions of archaebacteria
  • Swab surfaces and learn how to apply to culture media


Happy Valentine's Day!!  Today we will make biology Valentine's Day cards!  Pick any subject we've covered this year and make a Valentines card.  The card must have at least two pictures or drawings, a biological message, and a review question.  Due by the end of the period to Mr. Hadachek


Introduce the basics of bacteria, and cover several major divisions of Archaea.  The lecture will be watched in class, as a video format.


Bacteria growth lab; today we will swab bacteria and culture it on growth medium in culture plates

Anatomy 2/14-2/16

Objectives for this week:

  • reach the level of mastery with the eye unit
  • use Edmodo to post your personal opinion on what makes the eye interesting to you
  • learn/reinforce your knowledge over the human ear


Finish up the eye - discuss homeostatic imbalances of the eye (myopia, hyperopia) and discuss specifics of the lens.  Discuss rods vs. cones.  Review all eye structures and post on Edmodo what you felt was the most interesting part of learning about the eye.


Begin discussing the human ear; major structures discussed will include the structures of the outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear


The Edmodo wall post over the eye unit is due today.  Discuss musical tastes, and how sound frequencies/decibels work.  Discuss real world problems with peoples' hearing

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Anatomy 2/6-2/10

Major objectives for this week:

  • Introduce and learn specific components of the eye
  • Learn how the structures in a cow's eye relate to our own eyes
  • Use multimedia to gain a new insight into the world of vision
  • Be able to score an 85% or higher on Friday's quiz
  • Learn about electronic eyeglasses and how night vision works


Begin discussing the human eye.  Discuss the basics of vision, and accessory eye structures.  When finished, go the the CRC and watch the "How the Human Eye Works" video on Edmodo and write a reflection on it.  The reflection will be due tomorrow.  When finished, watch the Bill Nye clip.  No reflection needs to be written over the Bill Nye segment.


The video reflection is due today.  Today we will discuss the fibrous, vascular, and sensory tunics via PowerPoint.  Review these notes as there will be a quiz over them on Friday.


Today we will dissect a cow eye. The objectives for this lab are to experience and learn about the major components of an eye and how these structures relate to your eyes.


Finish cow eye dissection as necessary.  Discuss the lens, the humors, and rods/cones.  Explain how blind spots work.


Review material and take quiz over the eye.  There is an 85/85 performance objective on this quiz.  When finished, discuss how corrective lenses work.  Go to the CRC and watch the video on Edmodo over electronic eye glasses.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Biology 2/6-2/10

Major objectives for this week:

  • Reach level of "mastery" on biogeochemical cycles
  • Use modern technology as a review device
  • Be able to score at least an 85% on this week's biogeochemical cycle test
  • Learn basic introductory material over bacteria, and be able to relate why hand washing is important to reduce the spread of germs


Use your cell phones as a review device, and to poll people outside of school about the different cycles (especially the carbon and nitrogen cycles).  4th and 7th hours will be given a worksheet to do over biogeochemical cycles.


Open review for the biogeochemical cycle test today.  Use any and all technology as necessary to help you be successful on this test.


Today we're taking a test over biogeochemical cycles.  The test will be multiple-choice, and on Quia.  There is an 85/85 performance objective on this test (85% of the class to get 85% or above on the test).  The test will cover all state standards associated with biogeochemical cycles.


Today we will watch a video over bacteria.  This video will focus on different types of bacteria, and how some are helpful while others can be harmful.  You will need to write a reflection over the video as an assignment on Edmodo.  This reflection will be due on Tuesday, 2/14.


Draw/color hand-washing slogans.  These mini-posters are worth five points.  The purpose of this activity is to show how we neglect hand washing, and why hand washing is important to reduce the spread of disease.