Sunday, February 5, 2012

Anatomy 2/6-2/10

Major objectives for this week:

  • Introduce and learn specific components of the eye
  • Learn how the structures in a cow's eye relate to our own eyes
  • Use multimedia to gain a new insight into the world of vision
  • Be able to score an 85% or higher on Friday's quiz
  • Learn about electronic eyeglasses and how night vision works


Begin discussing the human eye.  Discuss the basics of vision, and accessory eye structures.  When finished, go the the CRC and watch the "How the Human Eye Works" video on Edmodo and write a reflection on it.  The reflection will be due tomorrow.  When finished, watch the Bill Nye clip.  No reflection needs to be written over the Bill Nye segment.


The video reflection is due today.  Today we will discuss the fibrous, vascular, and sensory tunics via PowerPoint.  Review these notes as there will be a quiz over them on Friday.


Today we will dissect a cow eye. The objectives for this lab are to experience and learn about the major components of an eye and how these structures relate to your eyes.


Finish cow eye dissection as necessary.  Discuss the lens, the humors, and rods/cones.  Explain how blind spots work.


Review material and take quiz over the eye.  There is an 85/85 performance objective on this quiz.  When finished, discuss how corrective lenses work.  Go to the CRC and watch the video on Edmodo over electronic eye glasses.