Sunday, March 25, 2012

Welcome back!!!!!!

Hey everyone,

Welcome back from a much-deserved spring break!  I hope you had a great break, and are ready to get back into the thick of things.  For biology and applied biology, we are going to be reviewing for the Kansas Science Assessment.  That is a VERY important test, and we all need to do well on it.  For anatomy, we are going to wrap up the digestive unit this week and look at nutrition.  Finally, for field biology, we are going to be doing field work outside and learning more about Kansas pond management. I hope your first week back from break is awesome!!!

Field Biology 3/26-3/30

This week's major objectives:

  • To learn more about Kansas pond management, and practice field work


  • Field work


  • Kansas pond management 


  • Field work


  • Kansas pond management


  • Field work

Biology & Applied Biology 3/26-3/30

This week's major objectives:

  • To review and reach mastery on the benchmarks & indicators of the Kansas Science Assessment


  • Begin review for the Kansas Science Assessment.  Hand out tip sheet.  Discuss those tips, and review material previously learned in class.


  • Review for Kansas Science Assessment


  • Review for Kansas Science Assessment


  • Take a multiple-choice quiz over the Kansas State Science Standards and continue review.


  • TBA/review for assessment

Anatomy 3/26-3/30

This week's major objectives:

  • Reach level of mastery with digestive system organs
  • Interact in a review game highlighting the major points of the digestive system
  • Learn the importance of nutrition, and important components within the subject


  • Review all major parts of the digestive system covered thus far; introduce the small intestine, large intestine, and accessory organs.  Discuss all functions.  


  • Review material from Monday.  Assign a worksheet to do in class.


  • Jeopardy over the digestive system.  Two teams, one winner, great review!!!


  • Discuss nutrition and nutrition facts.


  • Review Thursday's material, and discuss more nutrition facts

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Field Biology 3/12-3/16


Begin discussing pond management


No class - Seniors to Topeka


Pond management


Pond management


Pond management

Applied Biology 3/12-3/16

Important objectives this week:

  • Learn about segmented worms
  • Understand the importance of earthworms to the ecosystem, and medical uses of leeches
  • Be able to identify structures in both living and dissected earthworms


Discuss earthworms.  Look at body structures, functions, and differences between the segmented worms and worms discussed last week.  Also discuss leeches and their benefits/morphology.


Earthworm dissection part 1.  Begin handout.


Earthworm dissection part 2.  Handout due today by the end of the period.


Live earthworm lab.


Living planarian lab today.  Prepare for awesome regeneration!!

Biology 3/12-3/16

Important objectives this week:

  • Learn about segmented worms
  • Understand the importance of earthworms to the ecosystem, and medical uses of leeches
  • Be able to identify structures in both living and dissected earthworms


Discuss earthworms.  Look at body structures, functions, and differences between the segmented worms and worms discussed last week.  Also discuss leeches and their benefits/morphology.


Earthworm dissection part 1.  Begin handout.


Earthworm dissection part 2.  Handout due today by the end of the period.


Live earthworm lab.


Living planarian lab today.  Prepare for awesome regeneration!!

Anatomy 3/12-3/16

Important objectives this week:

  • Learn the importance of the digestive system
  • Understand the functions of all major organs
  • Be able to take a quiz and score at least an 85% over digestive system
  • Reach level of mastery over the heart unit and apply your knowledge to Monday's practical


Take the sheep heart practical.   Begin discussing the digestive system.  Focus on the mouth/teeth.


Review tooth structure, numbers, functions, and discuss tooth care/gum disease/gingivitis.


Begin discussing major organs of the digestive system.  Discuss structures and functions of these.


Review major digestive organs.  Prepare for Friday's digestive system quiz.


Take a quiz over the digestive system.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Field Biology 3/5-3/9

Important objectives this week:

  • be able to score an 85% or higher on Friday's fish test
  • be able to successfully complete field work 


Wrap up Kansas fish identification today


Field work - TBA


Field work - TBA


Review for fish identification test


Fish identification/information test today

Anatomy 3/5-3/9

Important objectives this week:
  • Be able to understand an EKG reading
  • Learn how an AICD works
  • Learn how pacemakers and AICD's are installed
  • Be able to score at least an 80% on Tuesday's blood flow quiz
  • Be able to successfully complete a heart dissection


Discuss electrical activity of the heart, specifically the sinoatrial node and the atriventricular node.  Learn how to read an EKG and the QRS complex.  Discuss AICD's.  Watch a short video clip over AICD's. Watch a ten minute video over pacemaker installation.  Prepare for tomorrow's quiz over the heart.  


Take a quiz over the heart.  The quiz will be ten questions, ten points.  The quiz will be over blood flow, and there will be NO material over Monday's material.  Begin day one of the heart dissection.  


Day two of the heart dissection.  Complete dissection handout and turn in.


Review for Monday's lab practical over the heart dissection.  Complete a worksheet in class over the heart.  Due tomorrow.


Worksheet due today over the heart.  Cardio Jeopardy game today.  Review for Monday's lab practical over the heart.

Applied Biology 3/5-3/9

Major objectives this week:

  • have your Edmodo assignment completed by Thursday, 3/8
  • study for Friday's quiz over worms and score at least an 85%
  • learn the basics of animals, and the different types of worm classes
  • look at examples of flatworms and roundworms in class
  • watch a video showing different types of worms


Watch a DVD discussing various  classes of worms as a preview for Tuesday-Friday's material


Discuss facts about flatworms: Classes Turbellaria, Trematoda, Cestoda.  If we finish early, complete your Edmodo assignment that's due Thursday if you have extra time.


Complete a review activity over flatworms.  Do # 1-6 on page 714 in class.  Due at end of period.


Have your Edmodo assignment completed by this class period.  Review flatworm information from Tuesday & Wednesday.  Begin discussion of roundworms. specifically phylum Nematoda


Review flatworms and roundworms.  There will be a quiz over flatworms and roundworm information today, with the majority of the questions being over flatworms.  The quiz will be ten points, NOT on Quia!  The rest of the period will be spent looking at flatworms and roundworms in class.....

Biology 3/5-3/9

Major objectives this week:

  • have your Edmodo assignment completed by Thursday, 3/8
  • have your video lecture notes taken/completed by Thursday, 3/8
  • study for Friday's quiz over worms and score at least an 85%
  • learn the basics of animals, and the different types of worm classes
  • look at examples of flatworms and roundworms in class
  • watch a video showing different types of worms


2nd period:  Discuss/prepare for Kansas Science Assessment
4th & 7th periods:  Finish up screencasting bacteria powerpoints.  These must be done by 4pm today.

**Be sure to watch the video lecture over introductory Kingdom Animalia facts by beginning of class, Thursday 3/8**


Watch a DVD discussing various  classes of worms as a preview for Wednesday-Friday's material


Discuss facts about flatworms: Classes Turbellaria, Trematoda, Cestoda.  If we finish early, complete your Edmodo assignment that's due tomorrow if you have extra time.


Have your Edmodo assignment and video lecture notes completed by this class period.  Review flatworm information from Wednesday.  Begin discussion of roundworms. specifically phylum Nematoda


Review flatworms and roundworms.  There will be a quiz over flatworms and roundworm information today, with the majority of the questions being over flatworms.  The quiz will be ten points, NOT on Quia!  The rest of the period will be spent looking at flatworms and roundworms in class.....