Sunday, March 4, 2012

Biology 3/5-3/9

Major objectives this week:

  • have your Edmodo assignment completed by Thursday, 3/8
  • have your video lecture notes taken/completed by Thursday, 3/8
  • study for Friday's quiz over worms and score at least an 85%
  • learn the basics of animals, and the different types of worm classes
  • look at examples of flatworms and roundworms in class
  • watch a video showing different types of worms


2nd period:  Discuss/prepare for Kansas Science Assessment
4th & 7th periods:  Finish up screencasting bacteria powerpoints.  These must be done by 4pm today.

**Be sure to watch the video lecture over introductory Kingdom Animalia facts by beginning of class, Thursday 3/8**


Watch a DVD discussing various  classes of worms as a preview for Wednesday-Friday's material


Discuss facts about flatworms: Classes Turbellaria, Trematoda, Cestoda.  If we finish early, complete your Edmodo assignment that's due tomorrow if you have extra time.


Have your Edmodo assignment and video lecture notes completed by this class period.  Review flatworm information from Wednesday.  Begin discussion of roundworms. specifically phylum Nematoda


Review flatworms and roundworms.  There will be a quiz over flatworms and roundworm information today, with the majority of the questions being over flatworms.  The quiz will be ten points, NOT on Quia!  The rest of the period will be spent looking at flatworms and roundworms in class.....