Friday, April 27, 2012

Field Biology 4/30-5/4

Major objectives this week:

  • complete field work for arthropod project
  • begin writing paper over research


Field work (weather permitting)


Field work (weather permitting)


Begin paper over arthropod research (data tables/procedure)


Work on paper (procedure/analysis of results)


Work on paper (analysis of results/abstract)

Biology 4/30-5/4

Major objectives this week:

  • discuss the anatomy, adaptations, and reproductive habits of amphibians
  • learn the difference between frogs and toads
  • complete two Edmodo assignments
  • complete a quiz over fish/amphibians and score at least an 85% on it


Begin discussion of amphibians; material covered will include adaptations to life on land, reproductive habits, and differences between frogs and toads


Continue amphibians; differentiated activity over the amphibian chapter


Wrap up coverage over amphibians; review for Friday's quiz over fish & amphibians


Review for Friday's quiz/begin reptiles


Quiz over fish & amphibians, there is a 100/85 performance objective for this test.  Both Edmodo assignments are due today

Anatomy 4/30-5/4

Major objectives this week:

  • complete two Edmodo assignments
  • discuss/wrap up the reproductive unit
  • review for Friday's test by going over a review sheet and playing a game
  • take a test over the human reproductive/development unit and score at least an 85%


Review/discuss the acrosomal reaction and fertilization process; learn about fetal/infant development and cell division.  Begin discussing the birth process.


Wrap up the unit over reproduction/pregnancy.  Answer questions.  Distribute the review sheet for Friday's test


Review for Friday's test


Review for Friday's test


Test over the reproduction unit.  There is a 100/85 performance objective on this test.  Both Edmodo assignments are due today

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Field Biology 4/23-4/27

Major objectives this week:

  • continue field work for final paper write up

field work

field work/discuss final

field work

field work

field work

Biology 4/23-4/27

Major objectives this week:

  • play a review game to reinforce learning and practice vocab
  • learn about cartilage & bony fish, including sharks
  • dissect a perch
  • complete two Edmodo assignments

Play a fish review game (Jeopardy) to reinforce concepts and vocab learned last week.  There are TWO Edmodo assignments this week, both due on Friday.

Discuss cartilage fish and bony fish.  Shark information will be discussed, including Ampullae of Lorenzini and tonic immobility.

Begin the perch dissection and complete the lab handout

Finish the dissection.  Lab handout due today

Both Edmodo assignments due today.  Wrap up the fish unit.  Prepare for next week's topic.....amphibians and reptiles!!

Anatomy 4/23-4/27

Major objectives this week:

  • learn about multiple births
  • use Edmodo to reflect on a DVD and to answer questions about epidurals
  • learn about fertilization and the birth process

1st Period:  MAPS testing; 5th Period:  Continue watching In the Womb:  Multiples

1st Period:  Begin watching "In the Womb:  Multiples".  5th Period:  Finish the DVD, and read chapter 29.  Turn in the reflection assignment on Edmodo by Friday for a grade.  Transition into Chapter 29.

1st Period:  Continue watching DVD.  Read pages 1079-1085 in text.  Edmodo assignment due on Friday (epidurals).

5th Period: Begin Chapter 29.  Discuss acrosomal reactions, monospermy, and polyspermy.  Discuss implantation, hCG, and pregnancy tests.  Work on Edmodo assignment #2 due on Friday

1st Period:  Finish DVD; discuss the acrosomal reaction, monospermy, polyspermy, and the birth process.
5th Period:  Discuss the birth process

Discuss STI's, including viral and bacterial infections.  Edmodo assignments are due today.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Field Biology 4/16-4/20

Major objectives this week:

  • To perform a field study involving arthropods and use scientific collection techniques (weather permitting)


Field work


Field work


Field work


Field work


Field work

Biology 4/16-4/20

Major objectives this week:

  • Discuss/introduce vertebrates and fish
  • Learn how fish in different classes are similar and dissimilar
  • Take a quiz over arthropods, and score at least an 85% on it
  • Complete an Edmodo assignment


Review for a quiz over arthropods.  Complete an assignment in the CRC over insects (on Edmodo).  Begin discussing vertebrates and fish


Take the arthropod quiz with a 100/85 performance objective.  Discuss fish specifics, including their classes and anatomy of fish


Study hall/review; most of student body gone for art show/vocal


Continue fish discussion, osmotic properties of fish, exotic fish


Discuss fish; prepare for fish dissection

Anatomy 4/16-4/20

Major objectives this week:

  • Discuss/introduce the female reproductive system
  • Learn how the menstrual and ovarian cycles are interlinked
  • Have all students pass a quiz with at least an 80% score


1st period:  Discuss the female reproductive system in detail; 5th period:  discuss follicular and luteal phases


Discuss hormones involved in both the follicular and luteal phases.  Discuss cycle days and how the phases relate to one another.  Assign a worksheet over the female reproductive system


Study hall/review; most of student body gone for art show/vocal


Watch a video; the video discusses mirror-image twins, vanishing twin syndrome, and how multiples are formed and nourished throughout development


Review for Monday's quiz over the male and female reproductive system; finish the video from yesterday.  Discuss the video in class.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

**Attention Anatomy Students**

Our cadaver trip to Cloud County Community College is quickly approaching.  It will be on Tuesday, April 10th.  We will leave the school at 8:45am, and the demo will take place at 9:30am.  We should return back to the school no later than 2:30pm.  Please let me know ASAP if you're not planning on attending.  

You will need to get assignment sheets for all class periods you will miss.  Please get these to the office as soon as possible!  Thank you!!

Field Biology 4/2-4/5

This week....field work each day weather permitting.  Construct all sample transects and mark transects on an aerial photograph.

Biology 4/2-4/5

Major objectives this week:

  • Meet/exceed standards on the Kansas Science Assessment
  • Learn the basics over Kansas arachnids


Wrap up/review any benchmarks and/or indicators for the Kansas Science Assessment.  Begin discussing arachnids


Continue arachnid discussion, focusing on Kansas poisonous spiders.  Take the Kansas Science Assessment


Discuss/review Kansas poisonous spiders.  Hand out a worksheet over Kansas poisonous spiders.  Hand out the tick fact sheet


Review Kansas spiders and ticks.  Second half of class TBA.

Anatomy 4/2-4/5

This week's major objectives:

  • Introduce, learn, and reinforce structures of the urinary systems
  • Complete a worksheet over the urinary system
  • Review major concepts over the digestive system and the urinary system


Begin discussion of the urinary system, including all major structures involved.  Begin reading about the urinary system in your textbook.


Review Monday's material over the urinary system.  Specifically discuss kidney function, anatomy, and structures.  Explain and elaborate over the problems with soda consumption.


Review Tuesday's material.  Hand out a worksheet over the urinary system.  Due at the end of the period.


Review both the digestive & urinary systems via an online Jeopardy game