Friday, April 13, 2012

Anatomy 4/16-4/20

Major objectives this week:

  • Discuss/introduce the female reproductive system
  • Learn how the menstrual and ovarian cycles are interlinked
  • Have all students pass a quiz with at least an 80% score


1st period:  Discuss the female reproductive system in detail; 5th period:  discuss follicular and luteal phases


Discuss hormones involved in both the follicular and luteal phases.  Discuss cycle days and how the phases relate to one another.  Assign a worksheet over the female reproductive system


Study hall/review; most of student body gone for art show/vocal


Watch a video; the video discusses mirror-image twins, vanishing twin syndrome, and how multiples are formed and nourished throughout development


Review for Monday's quiz over the male and female reproductive system; finish the video from yesterday.  Discuss the video in class.