Friday, August 31, 2012

Biology 9/4-9/7

Spontaneous generation/ethers, biogenesis.  Begin review for Thursday's test

Test review - there is a 100/80 performance objective on this test.  Meaning, the goal is to have 100% of the students score at least an 80% on the exam.

Take test; 100/80 performance objective.  Begin discussing biochemistry and cells.

Two Edmodo assignments are due today.  Continue with cells, including cellular organelles.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Life Science 8/27-8/31


Objective:  Discuss what science is;  Begin discussion of the scientific method.  Absent students get notes from Mr. Hadachek or other students.

Homework:  Review notes from today; specifically, key in on important concepts mentioned in class.


Objective:  Differentiated instruction over the scientific method.  Four groups will work on four separate tasks:

Group one:  Design your own science experiment and present to the class
Group two:  Create an interview asking questions about the scientific method, and videotape giving the interview to another teacher.
Group three:  Create a series of flash cards highlighting the scientific method
Group four:  Create a poster over the scientific method and film group members discussing the poster


Discuss Edmodo.  Show examples and pass out permission slips.  Finish differentiation if necessary; Discuss the use of scientific tools and measurement.  Practice using the metric system.

Homework:  Complete a worksheet in class using measurement devices.


Objective:  Watch a video highlighting extremophiles to transition into the life properties note set


Objective:  Compare several living things; students will collect items in groups from the nature trail.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Field Biology 8/27-8/31

Monday - Friday:

Field work on nature trail; construct insect trapping plots and collect insects

Zoology 8/27-8/31

Objective: Finish constructing dichotomous keys. Introduce basic animal characteristics.

Homework:  Complete key, worksheet.

Objective:  Finish discussing/review animal characteristics.  Begin animal embryology.  Discuss protostome vs. deuterostome development.

Homework:  worksheet in class

Objective: Review/study embryology specifics.  Quiz on Friday over class material.

Homework: Review as necessary

Objective:  No class; Junior ASVAB test at 9am

Homework: study for quiz as necessary.

Objective: Take quiz over animal characteristics with a 100/80 performance objective (100% of students will achieve at least an 80% on this quiz).  Continue Kingdom Animalia specifics

Homework:  None

Biology 8/27-8/31

Objective: Begin discussing biology; introduce class with a short video podcast, and then discuss the basic principles of life, the unifying principles of biology, and also mention ethers & biogenesis.  Hand out a worksheet over these basic principles called, "Basic Life Principles Worksheet".

Text: none - see notes

Vocab:  adaptation, spontaneous generation, ethers, biogenesis, Redi, cells, genes, evolution, homeostasis

Homework: worksheet due at the end of class today.

Objective: microscope lab #1.  Introduction to using a microscope; show students how to use all focus rules, and how to correctly magnify images.  Complete a basic lab using the microscopes in class.  Study for scientific method quiz.

Text: none

Vocab:  ocular lens, objective lens, stage, light source, magnification, slides

Homework:  Lab handout will be due by end of period.  Study for quiz over scientific method (quiz will be tomorrow!!)

Objective: 100% of the class to score at least 85% or better on scientific method quiz (100/85).  Quiz will be on Quia.  Back in classroom, discuss the interdependence of living things.

Text: none

Vocab: see notes

Homework: none

Objective: Microscope lab #2.  Students will look at micro-organisms (mostly protozoans) under a microscope from a pond water sample.  They will complete a worksheet due at the end of the period.  Hand out review sheets for test one

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: lab worksheet due at end of period.

Objective: Discuss review sheet; biology test one on Thursday, 9/6.  When finished, let students study in small groups.

Text: none

Vocab: see review

Homework: study as needed for Thursday's test

Anatomy 8/27-8/31

Objective: Discuss body regions and quadrants.  Do an in-class worksheet over these areas which can be used as a helpful study guide.

Text:  pages 15-16

Vocab: dorsal, ventral, abdominal, abdominopelvic, pelvic, mediastium, pleural cavities

Homework:  worksheet due at end of period

Objective: Lab 2; basic microscopy.  Review parts of a microscope and look at a variety of slides.  Learn to familiarize yourself with how a microscope works, and be able to turn in the lab sheet by the end of the class period.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: lab handout due at end of period.

Objective:  To watch/finish a relevant/modern video over the human body to help gain insight into the functions it performs on a daily basis.  The video will take the entire class period.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective: Finish video as necessary.  Hand out review sheet for test and cover it; pair students together for study/Q&A sessions.

Text: chapter one in textbook

Vocab: see review sheet

Homework: study for test one

Objective: Open review period over the human body intro; attain mastery of information presented in unit 1.  Test will be on Thursday, 9/6.

Text: review chapter one in A&P book; take book home if needed to study for the test

Vocab: see review sheet.

Homework: study as needed for anatomy test one.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Field Biology 8/22-8/24


Class rules and icebreaker; discuss what the class is about


Set up Edmodo accounts, practice with Edmodo


Field work

Anatomy 8/22-8/24


Class introductions; course preview with book; class rules


Set up Edmodo accounts, take body system survey


Edmodo assignment #1 ... complete today

Zoology 8/22-8/24


Introduction to Zoology; class rules, answer student questions


Set up Edmodo accounts; dissection survey


Practice with Edmodo; do Edmodo assignment #1

Biology 8/22-8/24


Interactive seating chart activity; icebreaker, class introductions


Discuss Edmodo; set up student accounts


Edmodo assignment #1 .... due today

Life Science 8/22-8/24


Class begins.  Discuss rules and perform interactive seating arrangements.


Continue interactive seating activity; discuss Edmodo and get accounts set up.


Continue interactive seating activity if necessary; Practice with Edmodo, do assignment #1