Monday, August 27, 2012

Life Science 8/27-8/31


Objective:  Discuss what science is;  Begin discussion of the scientific method.  Absent students get notes from Mr. Hadachek or other students.

Homework:  Review notes from today; specifically, key in on important concepts mentioned in class.


Objective:  Differentiated instruction over the scientific method.  Four groups will work on four separate tasks:

Group one:  Design your own science experiment and present to the class
Group two:  Create an interview asking questions about the scientific method, and videotape giving the interview to another teacher.
Group three:  Create a series of flash cards highlighting the scientific method
Group four:  Create a poster over the scientific method and film group members discussing the poster


Discuss Edmodo.  Show examples and pass out permission slips.  Finish differentiation if necessary; Discuss the use of scientific tools and measurement.  Practice using the metric system.

Homework:  Complete a worksheet in class using measurement devices.


Objective:  Watch a video highlighting extremophiles to transition into the life properties note set


Objective:  Compare several living things; students will collect items in groups from the nature trail.