Monday, September 10, 2012

Life Science 9/10-9/14

This week's assignments that are due:

  • Venn diagram
  • cladogram
  • basic microscope lab
  • pond water lab

Discuss organization of living things; demonstrate how to make keys and Venn diagrams over life forms.  Students will make their own Venn diagrams.

Venn diagrams due today.  Finish them.  Discuss cladograms, and have students make cladograms for points.  Discuss Edmodo.  Hand out permission slips.

Begin microscope activity; use a microscope to look at basic slides.  Learn how to use microscopes correctly.  Lab handout will be due at end of period.

Pond water lab using microscopes.  Students will look at pond water and use the microscopes to observe small creatures in the water.  Lab handout due.

Begin discussing cells - notes