Sunday, March 30, 2014

Life Science 3/31-4/4

Objective this week:  To understand the importance of bacteria and observe asexual reproduction in living organisms through lab work.

Monday, Tuesday
Work on paperslide music video over bacterial awareness

Paperslide video projects wrapped up today

Lab - planarians and asexual reproduction

Lab - Hydra and Daphnia feeding

Field Biology 3/31-4/4

Objective:  To continue working on the understanding ecosystem awareness and the CLEAN project.

Continue bottle project.  Proposal due today.  Experimental design rough draft due tomorrow.  Outside for class today

Begin typing bottle project write-up/outside if weather cooperates.

Seniors absent - no class

Thursday, Friday
Ecosystem recycling

Anatomy 3/31-4/4

Objective this week:  To differentiate between major structures/functioning of the male vs female reproductive system and introduce STI's, pregnancy, and human development depending on student questions/mastery of content.

Students absent - video 7th period/open question period for remaining students

Review female reproductive system, and ovarian vs menstrual cycles.  Concentrate on roles of major hormones, including estrogen, progesterone, FSH, and LH.  Worksheet today.

Worksheet due; Seniors absent for senior trip.  Female reproductive system

Discussion of STI's

Discussion of STI's, wrap up chapter 28

Zoology 3/31 - 4/4

Objective this week:  To understand the important internal components of reptiles/snakes and how they relate to external structures.  A test will be given on Friday.

Wrap up internal snake dissection

Discuss turtles and turtle species

Seniors absent - video

Open review for reptile test and practical exam

Reptile test and practical

Biology 3/31 - 4/4

Objective this week:  To understand the importance of classification of life forms and the antomy, physiology, and types of bacteria.

Introduce Linnaeus and his system of binomial nomenclature.  Include all major taxonomical divisions and all kingdoms.  Explain the binomial system of nomenclature and the importance of it.

Tuesday & Wednesday
Bacteria basics and classification of bacteria.  Explain important uses for bacteria.

Bacteria growth lab plus handout

Bacteria growth lab and activity

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Life Science ....

Today in Life Science we discussed bacteria and took a few notes.  Please get these notes so you have them!  Thanks!!!

Biology 3/27...Here's what you missed:

We discussed more over cladograms today, and Venn diagrams.  Please look at the information in this link.  The first link is an example of how to do them, the second is a chart comparing various characteristics of animals.  Choose which format (cladogram or Venn) and create a graphic organizer splitting the differences apart.  This is due by class tomorrow, 3/28:

Absent from Anatomy today? Here's what you missed....

Today we introduced the human reproductive system.  Please get notes missed, see me for any clarifications, and complete this assignment, due tomorrow 3/28 by class:

Monday, March 24, 2014

Venn Diagrams .... How to Do Them!

If you missed class today, or if you're wanting more information on Venn diagrams, this is how to do them.  Watch the video, pause it as you watch along and take notes.  Re-watch as many times as needed until you get the hang of it.  Let me know if you have any questions......

Life Science 3/24-3/28

Objective this week:  To discuss bacteria and their uses & importance.

Basic cladograms and cladogram activity


Venn Diagramming life

Introduction to bacteria

bacteria continued

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Field Biology 3/24-3/28

Objective this week:  To continue working on the CLEAN project and environmental awareness issues.  This week we will concentrate on landfill awareness and reduce/reuse/recycling.

Introduction to landfills/landfill awareness.  Landfill worksheet

Plastic bottle awareness/design a better bottle

Plastic bottle design wrap-up

Plastic bottle/recycling discussion

Visit transfer station (class period field trip)

Anatomy 3/24-3/28

Objective this week:  To introduce the human reproductive system and learn/understand the basics of how this system works and the importance of major structures.  There will be a heart practical/written exam on Wednesday to wrap up the cardiovascular unit.

Review for the cardiovascular unit test

Review for the cardiovascular test

Test - Cardiovascular unit.  Practical and written test.
Introduction to male reproductive anatomy

Complete intro to male reproductive anatomy, introduction to female reproductive anatomy

Reproductive unit continued

Zoology 3/24-3/28

Objective this week:  To undertstand the anatomy and physiology of snakes through a snake dissection

Snake dissection day 1 - external anatomy

Snake dissection day 2 - internal anatomy

Snake dissection wrap-up; begin video dissection tutorial

Snake dissection video tutorial and review for Friday's practical exam

Snake practical today.  Begin review for snake unit exam

Biology 3/24-3/28

Objective this week:  To understand the basics behind keys and cladograms.  This week we will also introduce discussion regarding bacteria.

Key construction - example on board, and then student examples.  There will be a key quiz on Thursday.

Cladograms day one - board example and student examples

Cladograms day two - cladogram assignment.  Review for cladogram quiz

Cladogram/key quiz today.  Introduction to bacteria - uses, importance, misconceptions

Bacteria growth lab today.  Review basics from yesterday.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Biology Class: Keys ..... How to put them together!!

If you missed biology today or had questions about the content, here is a tutorial on how to create a key.  Watch the video and let me know if you have any questions .... also, remember there's a quiz tomorrow (Fri, 3/14) over the Evolution unit.


Monday, March 10, 2014

TED ED in the classroom ......

Last week my students began working with in the classroom to practice the flipped classroom model of instruction as well as using multimedia in a new way.   If you haven't ever tried TED Education, you're really missing out!  It is an amazing resource!!!

Biology 3/10

There were some people who missed class this morning .... we finished up the tabletop activity with the similarities/differences/adaptations of a variety of organisms.  While people were finishing, others watched a video over reptile and arthropod specializations and history.  Be sure if you missed class you finish the table top activity.  The due date follows the Student Handbook policy on homework due dates based on your number of absences.....

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Life Science 3/10-3/14

Objective:  To develop a deeper understanding on the importance of adaptations in living things

Outside today - adaptation activity

Video - Before the Dinosaurs

Discuss differences and similarities between embryonic development in different organisms

Review for test

Adaptation & natural selection test today

Field Biology 3/10-3/14

Objective:  To continue the environmental awareness project and help our community

Pick up trash outside

Tuesday - Friday
Continue working on the CLEAN project

Anatomy 3/10-3/14

Objective this week:  To understand the importance of the heart and master your understanding of the path of blood flow throughout the body.

Discussion of heart valves.  Heart dissection day 1

CCCC cadaver trip plus trip reflection

Heart dissection day 2

Hear dissection quiz, finish dissection

Heart bioelectricity, nodes, and ECG readings

Zoology 3/10-3/14

Objective:  To understand the external and internal anatomy of a snake through a dissection and class discussion.  Emphasis this week will also be placed on snake identification

Snake motions, snake shedding process, and review for Wednesday's snake ID quiz

Snake video today plus review for identification quiz

Snake dissection day 1 plus identification quiz

Snake dissection day 2 plus dissection review

Snake dissection quiz, finish snake dissection

Biology 3/10-3/14

Objective:  To reach a high level of understanding regarding evolution and how it works.

Finish table top lab; Begin discussion of other factors that lead to evolution of species

Continue discussion of factors leading to evolution.  Begin working toward a project discussing the evolution project

Wednesday - Friday
Evolution project design/construction

Friday, March 7, 2014

Field Biology: Go Green!!

Please watch these collections of videos, and read the article about Greensburg, Kansas.  Then complete the assignment following the information.  The assignment is due by Wednesday, 3/12.  This is an example of how a Kansas town faced utter devastation and returned as a "green" town.

Please watch these videos:

After watching the videos and reading the information at the link above, complete the following assignment:

Google/research "green living" and what it's all about.  Look for information on water recycling technologies, building with recyclable materials, using different forms of renewable energies, etc.  Then answer the following questions and E Mail them to me at my school E Mail address:

  1. What are THREE technologies/green concepts you found interesting?  Provide a link to each technology/website and explain in complete sentences what you found interesting about it. (1 point per link, 2 points per explanation = +9)
  2. What would you like to see "go green" in your community, or how would you like to see your community "go green"?  Explain. (+3)

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Build it and they will come!!

Yes friends, this was a test question!!  A question, on a test, using Play Doh??  The test item required students to take their learned knowledge of the eye...and build one, labeling the parts.  THIS is what learning is all about!!  SHOW me you understand it by building a product. Don't just tell me, show me!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Biology assignment due 3/5....

This basic question set is about mutations.   Mutations go hand in hand with the evolutionary process.  Here are your questions:

1. What are three examples of mutations that could be beneficial for an organism?

2. What are three examples of mutations that could be harmful to an organism?

3. What can potentially happen to a species if a mutation fails to be a positive influence in a world that is going through extreme climate change?  Explain your answer. 

Please E Mail these answers to my school address....this is due tomorrow 3/5.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Special Senses Quiz....What to Expect on Wednesday

Most of this quiz will be centered around the senses of sight, hearing, and taste.  Here's what you need to know for the quiz:

The quiz will be MOSTLY multiple choice, with some short answer/fill-in questions as well.


Know the three major TUNICS of the eye ..... the fibrous, vascular, and sensory tunics.  Be able to explain why we have each tunic, what each tunic does, and what structures are in each tunic.

Key vocab:

  • Sclera
  • Cornea
  • Choroid
  • Lens
  • Suspensory ligaments
  • Ciliary bodies
  • Iris
  • Pupil
  • Retina
  • Optic disc
  • Optic nerve
  • Tapetum


Know the three major divisions of the ear (outer, middle, inner).  Know what components are in each area and their functions/importance

Key Vocab:

  • Auricle
  • Lobule
  • External Auditory Canal
  • Tympanum
  • Malleus
  • Incus 
  • Stapes
  • Spiral Organ of Corti
  • Semicircular canals


Know the four basic taste sensations:  Sweet, sour, salty, bitter.  Understand the importance of papillae, and the relationship between the sense of smell and the sense of taste.

Evolution ..... Some Clarifications ...

Hey Biology people!!  Be sure you check out this page that explains some misconceptions about evolution:

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Play Doh and Science!!!

An important part of science involves building things .... This is crucial for hands-on learners and anyone who learns by doing things.  I recently invested in a "kid classic" ... Play Doh ... And plan on using it extensively in class.  I even plan on having students build models for certain test questions.  Who says this stuff has to be just for younger kids??  This will be a fantastic resource for my classes.  What's one way to gauge whether understanding is taking place?? it and show me, don't just tell me.  Challenge accepted!!!

Life Science 3/3-3/7

Objective this week:  To understand the relationships between organisms of the past and modern organisms to explain the importance of adaptations in living things

Begin discussing time - specifically geologic time and time frames.  Explain the importance of geologic time and why it's so hard to understand.

Discuss specific creatures/plant life in geologic time scales.  Explain similarities and differences between these creatures/plants throughout the time frames, along with a brief introduction to evolutionary relationships

Multimedia project over fossil life and modern life forms.  Key in on similarities of the life forms from the past to present time

Continue working on multimedia project

Multimedia project due today

Field Biology 3/3-3/7

Objective this week:  To create a class group that can tackle an environmental issue.  Students will research an environmental issue and determine an action plan to reduce the problem/solve it.

Brainstorm environmental issues locally and semi-locally.  Write down and discuss as a class.  Explain the basics of the project and determine what course of action to take on the project

Begin developing a group name, a logo, and mission statement

Logo construction/design, blog construction

Thursday & Friday:
Field work

Anatomy 3/3-3/7

Objective this week:  To reach the level of mastery in your understanding of certain specific senses, specifically the sense of hearing, sight, and taste.

Wrap up the special senses unit, begin review of special senses

Review special senses

Special senses exam.  Part of this exam will require you to build 'something' representing the special senses by using your knowledge without any notes..........

Introduction to blood and the cardiovascular unit

Heart anatomy/physiology and the path of blood flow throughout the body

Zoology 3/3-3/7

Objective this week:  To learn and be able to identify Kansas snakes through the completion of a multimedia project

Begin the multimedia project over Kansas snakes.  You can choose between whichever presentation format you like - Prezi, PowerPoint, etc.  You will receive BONUS POINTS if you screencast the project.

Continue the multimedia project

Multimedia project wrap-up

Discuss pit viper specifics and their importance

Discuss snakes from other countries, including key snake species from Australia and South America

Biology 3/3-3/7

Objective this week:  To understand the importance of mutations and how they fit into natural selection and evolution.    We will also begin to discuss the four major events that fuel the evolutionary process and complete a differentiated project over mutations.  We will also complete our first lesson using the ED.TED flipped classroom format.

TED activity and flipped lesson

Mutations - classroom discussion and information.  Video - mutations

Finish video today

Differentiated project day 1 - mutations

Differentiated project day 2 - mutations