Monday, March 3, 2014

Special Senses Quiz....What to Expect on Wednesday

Most of this quiz will be centered around the senses of sight, hearing, and taste.  Here's what you need to know for the quiz:

The quiz will be MOSTLY multiple choice, with some short answer/fill-in questions as well.


Know the three major TUNICS of the eye ..... the fibrous, vascular, and sensory tunics.  Be able to explain why we have each tunic, what each tunic does, and what structures are in each tunic.

Key vocab:

  • Sclera
  • Cornea
  • Choroid
  • Lens
  • Suspensory ligaments
  • Ciliary bodies
  • Iris
  • Pupil
  • Retina
  • Optic disc
  • Optic nerve
  • Tapetum


Know the three major divisions of the ear (outer, middle, inner).  Know what components are in each area and their functions/importance

Key Vocab:

  • Auricle
  • Lobule
  • External Auditory Canal
  • Tympanum
  • Malleus
  • Incus 
  • Stapes
  • Spiral Organ of Corti
  • Semicircular canals


Know the four basic taste sensations:  Sweet, sour, salty, bitter.  Understand the importance of papillae, and the relationship between the sense of smell and the sense of taste.