Sunday, August 31, 2014

Life Science 9/2-9/5

Objective this week:  To complete a basic unit over the cell theory, the importance of cells, and basic cell parts.  There will be two book question sets due this week as well as a quiz on Friday to assess understanding of the content.

Discuss cell theory with students.  Assign # 1 - 10 on page 48 in textbook due tomorrow.  Review/re-read pages 43-48.

Book questions due.  Review material and re-read/review # 1 - 10 on page 58.  This will be due Thursday

Book questions due.  Review cell structure, function, and cell theory.  Quiz tomorrow!

Cell quiz today, cooperative learning over cells.

Zoology 9/2-9/5

Objectives this week:  To focus on mastery of vocabulary over components of sponges, jellyfish, and hydras.  Students will complete crossword puzzles, worksheets, and cooperative learning exercises to demonstrate understanding of the content.  There will be a test on Friday over the Phylum Porifera and Phylum Cnidaria.

Review all major vocabulary terms through the completion of a crossword puzzle and group work

Review of vocabulary terms through completion of a worksheet, group work, and quiz design.

Review all components of the two major phyla for the test coming up tomorrow.

Test - Phylum Porifera, Phylum Cnidaria

Anatomy 9/2-9/5

Objectives this week:  To complete a student-taught lesson over their choice of a major concept in unit one.  Students are to pick their weakest area and teach a concept to the rest of the class to show mastery of content and genuine understanding.  They will also take a test on Friday to assess learning over unit one content.

Tuesday & Wednesday:
Work on student-designed teaching lesson over a unit one concept.  Present Wednesday and Thurday

Present student lessons, and review for tomorrow's test

Unit one test - there is a 100/85 performance objective on this test.

Biology 9/2-9/5

Objectives this week:  To complete a student-created paperslide video that demonstrates student understanding of photosynthesis and the reactions taking place, and to take a test over the concept to assess student learning over photosynthesis.

Work on paperslide videos.  Complete all paper portions of the project.

Film the paperslide show project today and study for Friday's test

Test review - cooperative learning over photosynthesis

Photosynthesis test.  There is a 100/85 performance objective on this test.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Biology - Life Properties Video

Please watch this video and take notes over the content.  Pause/rewind as often as you need to so that you can take them at your own pace.  Also, re-wind the video when needed if you have questions about the content.  After watching the video and taking notes, answer the two questions at the end of the assignment.  Please answer in complete sentences.  The copy machine question will take some thought .... look at it from the stand point of what life characteristics does it possess, and which ones are NOT present in the copy machine to keep it from being alive.

When you go to turn in the assignment, don't on the "Turn In" button and submit it that way.  I'll help you if there are any questions.  If you have problems with Edmodo, you can always E Mail me the assignment.

Here is the video:

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Life Science 8/25-8/29

Objective this week:  To learn how energy flows through ecosystems based on levels of organization and apply those directly to your life

Review the conditions that make life.  Discuss video questions.  Discuss the level of organization among living things .... focusing on the molecular level and working our way up to organisms

Atoms, molecules, chemicals, and cells - energy transfer and its importance.  Discuss physical vs chemical reactions

Begin creating a blended media project over energy transfer in living things.

Continue blended media project

Film blended media projects and discuss on video

Field Biology 8/25-8/29

Objective this week:  To learn about the important natural resources of Kansas and the county in which you live and understand how they impact your life

Investigate the natural resources of Kansas.  Explain their importance and diversity

Brainstorm and determine a Kansas natural resource to investigate more in-depth.  Begin preparing for a differentiated project over Kansas natural resources

Wed - Friday
Work on the Kansas natural resource project and read the natural resources section in your e-text

Anatomy 8/25-8/29

Objective:  To learn and understand the significance of feedback mechanisms and anatomical terms.

Explain differences between positive and negative feedback mechanisms.  Discuss feedback

Discuss anatomical and directional terms.  Include body planes and dimensional terms.

Introduce a differentiated, multimedia learning activity designed to master the concepts discussed this week.

Differentiated activity today

Finish differentiated activity and take a quiz over this week's topics

Zoology 8/25-8/29

Objective this week:  To learn the anatomy of basic invertebrates, including sponges and hydras and understand their importance to the ecosystem and your life.

Animal basics.  What makes an animal what it is?  Investigate animals online and share basic animal information via Edmodo.  There will be a dichotomous key quiz on Wednesday.

Anatomy and physiology of sponges.  Discuss their importance to the environment

Dichotmous key quiz.  Multimedia activity over sponges.

Transition into freshwater hydras and jellyfish.  Discuss differences.

Jellyfish specifics, types of jellyfish, jellyfish multimedia

Biology 8/25-8/29

Objective(s) this week:  To understand what life is.....and what life is not....and then learn what photosynthesis is and how it contributes to your life and all life around you, through the completion of video notes, a modular activity, and a quiz.

Watch a lecture video over life properties.  Complete the questions at the end of the lecture video, and submit the assignment via Edmodo.

Discussion/reflection on life properties.  Begin discussing photosynthesis.  Introduce the basic equation of photosynthesis and the importance of the process.

Introduce a modular activity over photosynthesis.  This module will consist of two segments lasting two days.

Conclude modular activity today.  Reflect on photosynthesis

Photosynthesis reflection.  Quiz at end of period

Friday, August 22, 2014

Life Science - Friday, 8/22

Today's objective:  To understand what makes an organism "living" vs something else "non-living", and be able to explain to your classmates and parents why this is the case.

Please watch the video below as many times as you need to get a better understanding of the content.   Write notes down as you go, pausing as needed to keep pace with the material.  Be sure to submit the answers to the review questions when finished to my E Mail, which is

Good luck!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Zoology 8/20-8/22

Objective this week:  This week is officially, "Welcome Back Week" to school.  I'm excited to have you back in the building and in class!  Most of this week centers around familiarizing yourself with iPads, new teachers, awesome classes, and any new procedures dealing with all of those things.  Your goal is to familiarize yourself with my classes and prepare for a great school year!  Read on to find out the specifics:

Wednesday & Thursday
Begin discussing Zoology.  Discuss reasons for taking the course, classroom rules, review leadership outcomes and Champions by Choice.

Review classroom leadership procedures, set up Edmodo accounts.  Practice with Edmodo.

Biology 8/20-8/22

Objective this week:  This week is officially, "Welcome Back Week" to school.  I'm excited to have you back in the building and in class!  Most of this week centers around familiarizing yourself with iPads, new teachers, awesome classes, and any new procedures dealing with all of those things.  Your goal is to familiarize yourself with my classes and prepare for a great school year!  Read on to find out the specifics:

In class for approx. ten minutes.  Give a basic ice-breaker for the class.

Question & answer session about biology.  Discuss facts about class, Champions by Choice, and why leadership in my classes is so important.  Discuss Boys Town rules.

Review classroom leadership procedures, set up Edmodo accounts.  Practice with Edmodo.