Sunday, August 24, 2014

Biology 8/25-8/29

Objective(s) this week:  To understand what life is.....and what life is not....and then learn what photosynthesis is and how it contributes to your life and all life around you, through the completion of video notes, a modular activity, and a quiz.

Watch a lecture video over life properties.  Complete the questions at the end of the lecture video, and submit the assignment via Edmodo.

Discussion/reflection on life properties.  Begin discussing photosynthesis.  Introduce the basic equation of photosynthesis and the importance of the process.

Introduce a modular activity over photosynthesis.  This module will consist of two segments lasting two days.

Conclude modular activity today.  Reflect on photosynthesis

Photosynthesis reflection.  Quiz at end of period