Sunday, September 28, 2014

Life Science 9/29-10/3

Objective this week:  To enhance the understanding of the brain and nervous system through a group-based STEM activity.  Students will design and test "football helmets" to practice positive group skills, and test those helmets using eggs to simulate the brain.

Discuss brain lobes and their importance.  Also introduce neurons, and the CNS & PNS.   Introduce the STEM project

Introduce the basics of STEM - and explain the constraints of the project.  Students are to design/draw their helmets.

Vocab assignment - sub today

STEM design

STEM design/testing process

Field Biology 9/29-10/3

Objective this week: To wrap up the grasshopper field study and reflect on its importance to animal sampling techniques through data counting and field collection.

Grasshopper counts and collecting.  Worksheet handed out today

Grasshopper collection.  Worksheet due.

Konza Prairie trip - weather pending

Grasshopper collection - final day

Analyze all grasshopper data and discuss biodiversity

Anatomy 9/29-10/3

Objective this week:  To understand the mechanics of cancer, different stages of cancer, and the rule of nines/burn categories

Homeostatic imbalances of the skin - burns, burn categories, and the rule of nines

Burn discussion/cancer mechanics.  Edmodo assignment today over cancer

Vocab practice - sub today

Review burns and cancer.  Take a quiz over these concepts tomorrow

Cancer and burn super quiz today.  There is a 100/85 performance objective on the quiz

Zoology 9/29-10/3

Objective this week:  To familiarize and understand parts of a segmented worm through the dissection of an earthworm and related lectures, notes, activities, & quizzes.

Wrap up the earthworm dissection.  Begin discussing the segmented worm phyla and classes.

Segmented worm anatomy and physiology lecture and assignment

Vocab practice - sub today

Review  segmented worm anatomy

Quiz - segmented worms.  Begin discussing phylum mollusca

Biology 9/29-10/3

Objective this week:  To gain a better understanding of carrying capacities of ecosystems through lecture, quizzes, and differentiated activities.

Wrap up the biological scavenger hunt and post Edmodo threads.  When finished, discuss food chains and energy flow

Discuss number vs density and carrying capacity.  Explain the importance of carrying capacity.  Do carrying capacity worksheet

Vocab practice - sub today

Explain how limiting factors can affect the carrying capacity in an ecosystem (both density dependent and independent)

Quiz - limiting factors and carrying capacity.  Begin differentiated project

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Life Science 9/22-9/26

Objective this week:  To complete a test over cells with a 100/85 performance objective and introduce concepts of major human body systems to the class.

Review for tomorrow's cell test

Cell test; there is a 100/85 performance objective on this test today.

Introduce the "organ" and "organ system" level of development in life forms.  Introduce the nervous system to class and how the nervous system helps our bodies to stay in balance.  Explain tissues vs organs here.

Discuss nervous system

Worksheet today over nervous systems

Field Biology 9/22-9/26

Objective this week:  To reach the level of mastery over wildlife legislation and its importance through the completion of an exam.  There is a 100/85 performance objective on this exam.  Our other objective this week is to complete the grasshopper field study & analyze the data with the study.

Complete a test over wildlife legislation and reach the performance goal outlined in the weekly objective.

Grasshopper collection outside today

Grasshopper collection counts

Thursday - Friday
Collection analysis

Zoology 9/22-9/26

Objective this week:  To reach level of mastery with worm content through completion of student taught, rubric-based lessons and a worm exam.  Also we will introduce the segmented worms toward the end of the week.

Wrap up student teaching module over worms.  Prepare and study for Wednesday's worm exam

Open study and review sessions for the worm exam tomorrow

Worm exam today.  There is a 100/80 performance objective for this exam.

Begin discussing segmented worms - the earthworms and leeches.  Explain major anatomy and physiology of these creatures and how they relate to your life

Segmented worms and multimedia assignment

Anatomy 9/22-9/26

Objective this week:  There are several this week;  Lab objectives  To be able to reach the level of mastery with epithelial tissue identification under a microscope through lab work and a lab practical exam.  Lecture objective:  To understand the importance of oil glands as compared to sweat glands, and to take the first integumentary system exam on Friday with a 100/85 performance objective.

Discuss oil glands and how they're different from sweat glands

Tissue lab:  Open study to prepare for Thursday's lab practical exam

Wrap up the first portion of the integumentary system unit.  Review for Friday's exam - items on the test will include major epidermal layers, functions of the dermis, hair anatomy & physiology, and all gland discussion.

Tissue practical and study for tomorrow's exam

Integumentary system exam 1 today.  Continue with integumentary system.

Biology 9/22-9/26

Objective this week:  To learn basic information about energy flow through ecosystems and how it changes form.  Assessment will be done through quiz work, worksheets, and other activities to ensure understanding of the content.

STEM Pathway presentation

Begin discussing ecosystem specifics.  Concentrate on energy flow from one form to another.  Discuss populations, communities, ecosystems, and biomass.

Begin discussing trophic levels and explain how energy flows through these levels.  Watch the lecture video over trophic levels and answer the questions that follow the video.

Ecosystem scavenger hunt outside

Share scavenger hunt photos to Edmodo and participate in the collaboration thread on Edmodo.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Field Biology 9/15-9/19

Objective this week:  To understand and practice field collection techniques for collecting wildlife species through a grasshopper study

Field work - grasshopper study

Wildlife legislation quiz - remaining laws on the list.  Grasshopper study

Wildlife legislation quiz - all laws.  Grasshopper study.

Take the wildlife legislation test.  There will be a 100/85 performance objective on this test. Grasshopper study.

Life Science 9/15-9/19

Objective this week:  Students will apply their knowledge of cell parts by constructing a plant cell model and presenting it to the class.  Grading will be done via a specific rubric-based score sheet.

Monday, Tuesday
Construct cell models both of these days

Wrap up cell model construction and begin student presentations.

Student presentations of cell models and review for Friday's cell test

Cell test today.  There is a 100/85 performance objective on this test

Zoology 9/15-9/19

Objective this week:  To learn the basics of roundworms and understand their importance to your life. Students will then create a teachable lesson in which they teach a lesson over the worm phylum of their choice to reach the level of mastery in their knowledge about worms.

Introduce roundworms and the phylum Nematoda.  Discuss parasitic and non-parasitic forms of the phylum.

Tuesday - Thursday
Begin designing a differentiated lesson based on flatworms or rounworms.

Begin student presentations over flatworms or roundworms in a student-taught lesson to the class.

Anatomy 9/15-9/19

Objective this week:  Students will be able to learn, discuss, and apply their knowledge of tissues and hair from the integumentary system.  Grading will be done through quizzes and lab work.

Begin discussing hair specifics.  Include hair layers, types of hair, functions of hair, etc.  Also discuss Trichotillomania

Histology Lab 1 - students will observe histology slides under a microscope

Trichotillomania discussion and Edmodo assignment

Histology Lab 2 - review all histology slides and take a quiz over the basic epithelial tissue types

Review Trich and hair.  Begin discussing glands of the body

Biology 9/15-9/19

Objective:  To apply the knowledge you've gained through cellular respiration to a differentiated project involving making and marketing your own brand of sports drink.  Assessment will be done through a rubric-based grading system.

Introduce the sports drink activity.  Discuss the rubric, the groups, the differentiated group roles, and begin brainstorming ideas.

Tuesday - Thursday
Differentiated group work for the sports drink activity

Present the sports drink activity for the class

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Miss biology notes today? Here they are ....

Here's the easy way to get notes that you missed on the board:  I took photos of the notes before I erased and I'm posting them here......

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Field Biology 9/8-9/12

Objective this week:  To learn and understand the importance of population estimates, wildlife legislation and how they relate to conservation of natural resources through study techniques, quizzes, and written assignments.

Review major wildlife laws and learn how to apply population estimates to ecosystems (Lincoln-Peterson index)

Review major wildlife laws.  Continue discussing population sampling.  Population sampling worksheet due.

State Fair/Husker Harvest Days.

Wildlife laws quiz (first seven).  Review for first test - natural resources and their importance

Review, Outside/field work

Life Science 9/8-9/12

Objective this week:  To understand how the organelles of cells work through lecture, labs, quizzes, and hands-on activities.  Also, learn how to use a microscope correctly.

Discuss the roles of important cellular organelles.

Microscope basics; microscope lab #1 today

Microscope lab:  Cell lab #1

Review microscope handling rules and take a quiz over microscopes and cell organelles.

STEM:  Discuss the cell model build project

Zoology 9/8-9/12

Objective this week:  To learn and understand differences between non-parasitic and parasitic worm species through lecture, labs, worksheets, and quizzes.

Begin discussing worm phyla.  Discuss Phylum Platyhelminthes today, their anatomy, morphology, and classes.

Complete a worksheet over the platyhelminths.  Begin discussing the Nematoda.

State Fair/Husker Harvest Days.  Review platyhelminths and nematodes.

Nematoda assignment (Edmodo) due tomorrow.  Quiz tomorrow over platyhelminths

Platyhelminthes quiz today.  There will be an Edmodo wall post assignment due on Monday (students, please see Edmodo).

Anatomy 9/8-9/12

Objective this week:  To understand the importance of the integumentary system and learn the anatomy and physiology of this system through lecture, labs, and quizzes.

Learn the basic "statistics" of the integumentary system, i.e. size, shape, and basic anatomy/physiology.  Explain the major skin layers and their functions.  Worksheet over epidermal layers.

Review integumentary basics and skin layers and introduce skin color.  Worksheet due today.

State Fair/Husker Harvest Days.  Review integumentary basics

Worksheet due; Discuss and explain the exocrine glands of the skin.  Study for quiz tomorrow.

Exocrine gland review, quiz, and lab over basic skin anatomy and physiology

Biology 9/8-9/12

Objective this week:  To understand the importance of cellular respiration and learn how it works through a series of discussions, videos, activities, and a quiz.

Introduction to ATP and cellular respiration.  Learn the difference between aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration and fermentation pathways.  Use your E-Text to read the basics of cellular respiration and the pathways associated with it.  Pages 250-260 in textbook.  Assign #1-4 in E-Text on page 253.

Cellular respiration review.  Complete fill-in activity and prepare a tutorial in small groups explaining how the process works.  Use Play-Doh to explain the electron transport mechanism.  Page 253 questions due.  Assign worksheet due on Thursday

State Fair/Husker Harvest Days.  Remaining students are to review pages 250-260 over cellular respiration

Worksheet due; Prepare for the STEM project - designing your own energy drink.  Review the concepts of cellular respiration.

STEM - designing your own energy drink.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Environmental Science 9/2-9/5

Objective this week:  To understand the importance of wildlife and resource management, the history of it, how that management takes place, and what the future holds for wildlife management.  Assessment of learning goals will take place through quizzes, worksheets, and multimedia samples.

Discuss the history of resource management in the United States and the events that led up to modern wildlife management.  Then watch the video over the North American model of wildlife management & complete a worksheet over it.

Wednesday - Friday
Worksheet due Wednesday; begin discussing the National Wildlife Refuge System and modern-day game management, along with important wildlife legislation.  There will be a quiz Friday over the history of wildlife management.