Sunday, September 7, 2014

Biology 9/8-9/12

Objective this week:  To understand the importance of cellular respiration and learn how it works through a series of discussions, videos, activities, and a quiz.

Introduction to ATP and cellular respiration.  Learn the difference between aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration and fermentation pathways.  Use your E-Text to read the basics of cellular respiration and the pathways associated with it.  Pages 250-260 in textbook.  Assign #1-4 in E-Text on page 253.

Cellular respiration review.  Complete fill-in activity and prepare a tutorial in small groups explaining how the process works.  Use Play-Doh to explain the electron transport mechanism.  Page 253 questions due.  Assign worksheet due on Thursday

State Fair/Husker Harvest Days.  Remaining students are to review pages 250-260 over cellular respiration

Worksheet due; Prepare for the STEM project - designing your own energy drink.  Review the concepts of cellular respiration.

STEM - designing your own energy drink.