Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Anatomy: Differentiated Blood Project

Here is the differentiated project we're doing in class over blood.  This will be presented on FRIDAY of this week, 2/27.  Have it ready to go by that time.


Monday, February 23, 2015

Field Biology 2/23-2/27

Objective this week:  To discuss solid waste and issues with solid waste.

Monday - Friday:
Discuss project CLEAN.  Project CLEAN website construction and blog entry

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Life Science 2/23-2/27

Objective this week:  To reach the level of mastery over plant organs and learn the importance of trees.

Plant organ tabletop activity

Plant organ tabletop activity wrap-up

Tree importance and tree cookie assignment

Review for plant organ/organ systems test

Plant organ/organ systems test and tree cookies

Zoology 2/23-2/27

Objective:  To learn the identity of major Kanas snake species and to reach the level of mastery over frog and toad vocalizations

Begin the snake identification project

Snake identification project and worksheet.  Review amphibian vocalizations

Worksheet due; snake identification project and review amphibian vocalizations.  Vocalization quiz 1

Snake identification project, and project due tomorrow

Snake identification project wrap-up and due by 4pm.  Vocalization quiz (comprehensive)

Anatomy 2/23-2/27

Objective this week:  To understand the major components of blood and to learn the flow of blood through the cardiovascular system

Blood components and formed elements

Blood components and formed elements - differentiated, student-based lesson

Student differentiated project

Blood flow patterns

Student-based lesson due today.  Present these lessons.

Biology 2/23-2/27

Objective this week:  To understand population genetics and be able to apply those genetic principles to inheritance patterns & natural selection

Discuss Hardy Weinberg equilibrium.  Explain how it applies to population genetics

H-W equilibrium lecture videos and practice worksheet

H-W equilibrium worksheet

Battling Beetles day 1

Battling Beetles day 2.  Quiz:  H-W equlibrium

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Zoology - 2/18/15

Today in class we watched this video:

After watching the video, write a ONE HALF PAGE essay in complete sentences explaining what you found interesting about snakes, and what you learned from the video. The video essay is due FRIDAY by 4pm.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Life Science 2/17/15 ....

Please watch the video below:

After watching the video, please answer these questions:

1. What are meristems?  What would be the closest thing to meristems that would be found in the human body?  Why?

2.  Why is mitosis important to plants?  Why is it important to animals?  Give an example of each.

3.  What are two major organ systems of plants?  Explain how each of them work.

4.  What are the differences between xylem and phloem?

5.  Find a web site dealing with stem cells.  Write the name of the web site and what you specifically learned from that web site.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Field Biology 2/16-2/20

Objective this week:  To conclude the water unit by presenting a differentiated project over water resources.  From there we will transition into solid waste issues around the community and the world's ecosystems.

Film paperslide shows.

Paperslide show wrap up.  Discuss solid waste and the RHClean blog site

RH Clean blog site assignment

Thursday - Friday
Solid waste in oceans

Zoology Assignment 2/16

Please watch this video and answer the following questions via E Mail or on a piece of paper:

1.  What is the advantage of laying an amniotic egg? (+2)

2.  Explain the importance of a hard shell compared to amphibian eggs (+2)

3.  List a minimum of three anatomical features of the amniotic egg and give their functions, besides the shell (+6).

4.  Critical thinking ... what specializations do you think we will see in future amniotic eggs?  In other words, where do you think egg development will go from here?  Explain.  (+2)

This will be due tomorrow, 2/17 by 4pm.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Life Science 2/16-2/20

Objective this week:  To understand specifically how producers function in ecosystems and biomes.  Students will learn major organ systems of plants as well as trees and their importance.

Discuss the major differences between animal & plant organ systems

Worksheet and differentiation - plant vs animal organ systems

Video - plants

Begin discussing trees and their significance.  Explain major differences between woody and non-woody producers

Quiz - plant vs animal organ system and discuss tree importance/activity

Anatomy 2/16-2/20

Objective this week:  To reach the level of "mastery" on the special senses through the completion of a special senses test, as well as introducing the cardiovascular unit.

Review for special senses test (8th) and introduce cardiovascular unit/blood (2nd)

Special senses test (8th) and cardiovascular unit

Blood/cardiovascular specifics

Lab - cat dissection (muscular system).

Continue blood notes.

Zoology 2/16-2/20

Objective this week:  To learn major groups of reptiles and understand the anatomy & physiology of reptilian species

Introduce reptiles.  Discuss major differences between reptiles & amphibians.  Explain the importance of the amniotic egg.  Begin discussing snakes.  Worksheet today.

Snake ID lab #1 - table top specimens

Continue snake discussion.  Explain major snake organs and Kansas snakes.  Quiz over snake/reptile anatomy

Kansas snake ID

Video - reptiles

Biology 2/16-2//20

Objective this week:  To discuss natural selection and the major factors that play into the process. 

Discuss what natural selection is, and what natural selection is not.  Explain adaptations here.

Tuesday - Friday
Natural discussion and scientific evidence of natural selection and the process

Monday, February 9, 2015

Zoology 2/9 .... miss class? Here's what you missed ....

We will have a test on Wednesday, 2/11 over amphibians.  Be sure you get caught up to speed with the note set (it's already on this blog), especially the new material over salamanders (tiger salamander, mudpuppies, and hellbenders).  Let me know if you have any questions!

Zoology Test Screenshot ..... !!!

Here is a glimpse of part of the test .... and what might be asked on it ......

Anatomy test - Wednesday of this week!! Here is the review!!!

Here is the review for the anatomy test on Wednesday over the special senses....


Friday, February 6, 2015

Field Biology 2/9-2/12

Objective this week:  To reach the level of mastery over water resources and apply that knowledge to your life.  There is a quiz on Wednesday and there's a 100/75% performance objective on the quiz.

Distribute review sheet for Thurday's water quiz and field work

Field work to Emerson Lake in Jewell

Quiz - water resources

Life Science 2/9-2/12

Objective this week:  To reach the level of mastery on ecosystems and biomes.  There is a test on Wednesday with an emphasis on 100% of the class reaching at least a 75% score.

Wrap up owl pellet lab and the ecosystem unit

Vocabulary review and basic for the ecosystem and biosphere unit

Take a test over ecosystems and biomes.  There is a 100/75% performance objective on this test.

Anatomy 2/9-2/12

Objective this week:  To complete the special senses unit and review for/take a test over the special senses.

Sense of taste - discuss papillae, senses.

Finish sense of taste and review for quiz.

Quiz - senses of sight, hearing, and taste

Zoology 2/9-2/12

Objective this week:  To reach the level of mastery in the amphibian unit through completion of a unit test.

Discussion - salamanders & newts

Finish salamanders & newts, review for test

Test - amphibian unit

Biology 2/9-2/12

Objective this week:  To understand how mutations affect the survival of living things.  

Introduce fitness coefficients and mutation rates.  Lecture and question/answer set.

Video - HHMI/evolution

Finish video, discuss natural selection 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Field Biology - Wastewater Information

Here is a great link explaining facts about wastewater:


Also, please watch this video if you haven't done so:

Zoology Amphibian Review ..... Important!!

Hey everyone,

Here is the review for the amphibian unit.  This is everything you will need to know for next Thursday's  test....look it over and let me know if you have any questions .....


Monday, February 2, 2015

Field Biology 2/3-2/6

Objective this week:  To learn about and understand various types and sources of water pollutants in Kansas.

Read pages 435-443 in your textbook or e-textbook.  Once finished, go to YouTube and watch several water pollution videos of your choice.  Share TWO videos with me via E Mail (send me the link to the videos), and explain why you chose to E Mail those two videos to me ..... thanks!  This will be due tomorrow!

Wednesday - Thursday
Complete a differentiated activity over water pollutants

Water pollutant quiz.  There is a 100/80 objective on this quiz.  Also discuss/gather data for ongoing water quality study.

Life Science 2/3-2/6

Objective this week:  To understand how nutrients flow throughout the ecosystem through video lectures, worksheets, and an owl pellet dissection.  The week will wrap up with a differentiated activity.

Watch a video over producers, consumers, and decomposers.  The video can be found here:

Video today ....

Food chains activity, multimedia, and prep for owl pellet lab

Complete an owl pellet lab to reinforce learning objectives for the week

Zoology 2/3-2/6

Objective this week:  To understand the differences between frogs, toads, and salamanders ... and to be able to successfully identify common frog species and vocalizations on a quiz.

Kansas frog identification and frog calls.  Complete a worksheet based off of information gained from the Kansas Herp Atlas web site.

Specifically, the website link can be found here:


Then, click on this link and complete the assignment.  Choose TWO frogs/toads from each family for a total of 8 animals to write down information on....


Wednesday - Thursday
Discuss toads and salamanders.  Prepare for Friday's quiz over frog calls and basic frog ID.

The Kansas Herp Atlas worksheet is due THURSDAY!

Quiz - frog calls and basic frog identification (up to five frogs)

Anatomy 2/3-2/7

Objective this week: To reach the level of mastery on concepts related to the human eye through a quiz and recall interviews/questions.  Also we will investigate the anatomy of the human ear.

Wrap-up human eye; finish eye dissection if needed

Wednesday - Thursday
Human ear anatomy and hearing

Quiz - human eye.  Discuss the sense of taste today.

Biology 2/3-2/6

Objective this week:  To complete a differentiated project over positive, negative, and neutral mutations.  

Introduce the differentiated mutation activity.  The specifics for the activity can be found here.....


Wednesday - Thursday
Continue differentiated activity over mutations

Quiz - mutations.  Wrap up differentiation and film.