Monday, February 2, 2015

Zoology 2/3-2/6

Objective this week:  To understand the differences between frogs, toads, and salamanders ... and to be able to successfully identify common frog species and vocalizations on a quiz.

Kansas frog identification and frog calls.  Complete a worksheet based off of information gained from the Kansas Herp Atlas web site.

Specifically, the website link can be found here:

Then, click on this link and complete the assignment.  Choose TWO frogs/toads from each family for a total of 8 animals to write down information on....

Wednesday - Thursday
Discuss toads and salamanders.  Prepare for Friday's quiz over frog calls and basic frog ID.

The Kansas Herp Atlas worksheet is due THURSDAY!

Quiz - frog calls and basic frog identification (up to five frogs)