Saturday, October 31, 2015

Zoology 11/2 - 11/6

Objective this week:  To understand the importance of arthropods and their body plan, and to reach the level of mastery of insect body segments through the completion of the grasshopper dissection.

Arachnids - ticks and spiders

Grasshopper dissection 2

Ticks/spiders and transition to Insecta if time; review mouthparts & leg parts of grasshoppers

Dissection wrap-up.  Film dissection tutorials

Quiz - Ticks.  Know:  life cycle, tick facts (prevention, diseases, etc) , tick genders, tick anatomy, Lone-Star Tick identification and American Dog Tick identification

Anatomy 11/2 - 11/6

Objective this week:  To understand the repair process with bone fractures, and discuss bone disorders.  A bone unit exam will be given on Friday.

Bone fractures and healing processes

Review fracture healing mechanics and begin building a fracture model

Specifics for the bone fracture model can be found here:

Finish fracture model. Filming must be completed by Friday afternoon

Bone disorders/review for test

Bone disorders/review for test/film fracture models

Field Biology 11/2 - 11/6

Objective this week:  To learn about specific Kansas varmints, canids, and urban wildlife management issues.  There will be a test at the beginning of next week over skull and track identification.

Mammal track field trip.

Video:  Raccoon Nation

Kansas varmints and canids.  Urban wildlife will be discussed as well.  Hand out urban coyote assignment (Due Friday)

Here is the link to the website for the assignment:

....and here is the link to the assignment, if you miss class:

Remember, this is due FRIDAY by 4pm.

The main goal today is to discuss nuisance wildlife and issues regarding that wildlife.  Important links can be found here:

Link for information regarding nuisance wildlife:

Prepare for next Tuesday's nuisance wildlife presentation

Field Work (weather permitting)

Coyote assignment due. Prepare your nuisance wildlife presentations

7th Life Science 11/2 - 11/6

Objective this week:  To reach the level of mastery over basic genetics through the completion of a differentiated paperslide video project.

Finish paperslide project

Film paperslide project today and review genetics notes/reading.

Pedigree charts

Begin discussing variety as being important, and mutations

Video - mutations

6th Science 11/2 - 11/6

Objective this week:  To understand the importance of plate tectonics and how the Earth's surface changes throughout time

Brochures due by 4pm.  Finish brochures.

Plate boundary specifics.  Read pages 107-111 in text.  Do #1-10 on page 112.  Due tomorrow by 4pm

Book questions due.  Tsunami Video

Discuss earthquakes

Review questions today

Biology 11/2 - 11/6

Objective this week:  To be able to relate biodiversity to your life and understand the importance of human impacts on biodiversity .... as well as to be able to understand the importance of group work within living systems.

Teachable lesson prep today

Data analysis - biodiversity study

Wednesday & Thursday
Students teaching their lessons these days

Quiz - cooperation and social orders in living things

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Biology Cooperative Behavior Project

Here is the next big project for Biology:  Design and create a teachable lesson about cooperative animal behavior, and then teach that lesson to a classmate.  Specifics for the lesson can be found here:

How to create a teachable lesson:

The assignment specifics:

Due date:  TBA (middle of next week is the target date)

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Anatomy 10/26 - 10/30

Objective this week:  To learn about the anatomy of human bones from a structural standpoint, and take a quiz mid-week over the bones.  

Bone anatomy - osteons, formation of bones, ossification, and bone features

Review vocab from bone anatomy and study for quiz.  Review and look at bone types

Bone quiz:  Functions of bones, basic bone anatomy and bone categories

Bone remodeling and bone repair specifics

Halloween activity:  The Skeleton

Zoology 10/26 - 10/30

Objective this week:  To complete a test over the mollusca with a 100/75 performance objective and introduce the insect unit.

Test - phylum mollusca.  Introduce the insects

Insect basics - anatomy, physiology, specializations

Grasshopper dissection 1

Review grasshopper dissection.

Quiz:  Arthropod basics.  Video today - giant bugs!

6th Science 10/26 - 10/30

Objective this week:  To finish the atmosphere discussion, complete a basic unit over the water cycle, and complete a test at the end of the week over earth spheres and the water cycle.

Discuss layers of the atmosphere.  Worksheet packet is due today over earth spheres.

Watch this video and take notes over the water cycle:

Water cycle activity/project

Review for earth spheres/water cycle test

Earth sphere/water cycle test

Field Biology 10/26 -10/30

Objective this week:  To introduce animal skull identification and complete a unit test over tracks and skull identification at the end of the week

Critical thinking activity over biodiversity:

  • Choose 8 organisms (living/dead ... plants, grasshoppers, etc, any combination of these) (+8)
  • Title "Biodiversity" (+2)
  • Include four labels (consumer producer, decomposer, organism name, etc) (+2)
  • Explain their importance to the ecosystem (+3)
  • Total points = +15 (test points)

**This is a critical thinking activity to explain the importance of biodiversity in the ecosystem.  Basically students were given until the end of the period to collect eight things and explain their importance in the ecosystem.  This was due by the end of class today.  If you're not here, it needs to be completed when you get back ... the easiest way is to film it with your phone, or bring it to me in the morning or after school.  If you've passed the attendance policy guidelines (your five days), remember it's due when you get back so you don't miss these points. **

If you have any questions, please E Mail me so I can help walk you through the process.

Grasshopper data analysis

Skull identification/review animal tracks

Grasshopper data analysis/review animal tracks and skulls.  Complete data entry for grasshopper analysis

Test - animal skulls and tracks

7th Life Science 10/26 - 10/30

Objective this week:  An introduction into genetics and punnett squares.  And dominant/recessive traits and how they work.  Discuss Mendel's work.  Learning will be assessed through the completion of punnett square worksheets and a quiz on Friday.

Discuss basic genetics and Mendel's contributions to this area of science.  Discuss dominant vs recessive traits and how they work

Watch this video, take notes, and practice the problems at the end of the video:

Discuss pedigrees and how they work, along with genotype/pheonotype analysis

Punnett Squares/Paperslide video setup.

Genetics quiz - there will be a 100/80 performance objective on this quiz.  Continue with paperslide project.

Biology 10/26 - 10/30

Objective this week:  To investigate and complete a field study over biodiversity in different habitats around the school.

Usually for my lesson plans, I post headings for Monday - Friday and then list what all is happening for those days.  This study really depends on what we have in the pit traps, and how long it takes to sort the insects/specimens in class.  The bulk of this class will involve filling out data charts and comparing group data.  Data charts will most likely be filled out on Tuesday & Thursday, with MWF being dedicated to sampling/collecting data.  Grades will be given for data charts and participation within groups for this activity.  This is a great way to do hands-on application with the NGSS Standards......

Thursday, October 22, 2015

All things Sub-Related for is what the assignments are/what you can expect, for ALL classes:

Hey everyone,  I'm not going to be here on Friday, 10/23.  This is the rundown of what you need to do:


Please complete the worksheet found here:

The website for answering the questions can be found here:

If you get finished with that early (which you will, most likely), then get headphones from the back of the room and watch this video:

If the video won't play, or has buffering/Internet issues, then please grab a science book from the table and read it.  Stay busy (and awake!) the entire period.  Thank you!

6th Grade Science:

You will complete a fairly large packet over the earth systems.  You will need your notes and book to complete this.  Be sure to bring materials to class or you will lose letters off your responsibility card.  This will be due MONDAY by 4pm!  If you get done early, get a science book off the table and read it.  The link to the packet can be found here:

7th Grade Life Science:

Please watch the following videos.  No facts are needed today, just watch the videos ......get the
headphones from the back of the class and return them when finished.

Read a book if you get finished with these, thanks!

6th Period Field Biology

Finish the packet over mammal tracks and turn it in.  It is due today.   Next, watch this elk video on your iPad.  Use the headphones in the tote and return them when finished.  If there are video problems, you can read books that are on the science table.  Stay busy the entire period, please!

7th Period A & P:

There will be an assembly this period....not much of a class today, really ....

8th Period Zoology:

Today is an open study period for Monday's exam over mollusca.  Stay busy and work hard.  Thanks!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Field Biology Animal Tracks

Hey everyone,

Here is the link you need to research for today's class period:

This site deals with animal tracks.  Your goal is to complete the chart provided based off this web site.  The chart will be due tomorrow at the beginning of class ....

Here is the chart:

Biology: Ant worksheet and website

Here is the worksheet and the website for the ant section of class:

Monday, October 19, 2015

All Classes ... Here's what you need to do today!

Your particular class should cue the video to:

Life Science:  Beginning

6th Field Biology:  1:08

7th A & P:  1:37

8th Zoology:  2:03

5th Period Life Science .... Video to watch if you get done early!!

Hey gang,

Here is a video about eagles to watch if you get done with your mitosis packet.  Use headphones in the tote, and remember to return your headphones when you are finished.  If the video won't work, you're to read a book or something from my science book table and stay busy the entire period.  Thank you!!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Anatomy 10/19 - 10/23

Objective this week:  To discuss facts about human bones and osteogenesis

Begin pre-reading the text over bones.

Bone specifics - skeletal functions, types of bones, bone anatomy

Bone remodeling & repair

Begin bone tutorial today

Bone tutorial

7th Grade Life Science 10/19 - 10/23

Objective this week:  To reach level of mastery over mitosis & cell division through the completion of a differentiated project and an onion root tip project.

Read packet and answer questions over cell division within the packet.  Due by end of period.

Tuesday & Wednesday
Complete/Film project.   Begin working on onion root tip project

Onion root tip project & reflection

Video today

Field Biology 10/19 - 10/23

Objective this week:  Film the deer aging tutorials and reach level of mastery over deer aging and deer  biology, and introduce wildlife tracks.  We will also count grasshoppers this week

Count, identify, and measure all remaining grasshoppers.  Do not get species/bags mixed up under any circumstances!

Film deer aging videos/tutorials today

Begin discussing animal tracks today

Animal tracks and animal track chart completion

Animal tracks/video

Zoology 10/19 - 10/23

Objective this week:  To reach the level of mastery with phylum mollusca and to have 100% of the students score at least a 75% on next Monday's exam.

Bivalvia & cephalopoda anatomy.  Watch this video over bivalvia:


Bivalvia notes today

Cephalopoda notes and board review assignment

Board review assignment and film.  There will be a mollusc test on Monday.

Video today

6th Science 10/19 - 10/23

Objective this week:  To discuss specific earth systems and complete a quiz on Thursday demonstrating your understanding of the topic.

Begin discussing the spheres of the earth.  Take notes over the geosphere and hydrosphere.  Read pages 79 - 83.


Take notes over the atmosphere.  Then......

Review these videos:

Next, begin creating a student-taught lesson over one of the spheres using a whiteboard, and upload it to the class YouTube channel.

Whiteboard tutorials continued

Review the spheres and take quiz

Video today

Biology 10/19 -10/23

Objective this week:  To begin discussing interdependent relationships and biodiversity in ecosystems through the implementation of a biodiversity project.  This satisfies NG Science Standards HS LS2 1,2,6,7,8

Discussion of biodiversity and what affects biodiversity.  Discuss the scientific method and propose hypothesis about the biodiversity of insects around the school.  Place pit traps for study and research.
Video - cooperative behavior of ants

Discuss video and explain ant castes.  There will be an ant caste worksheet to complement this discussion.

Ant caste worksheet due; continue biodiversity discussion

Hadachek absent - Google Classroom assignment

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

7th Grade .... Mitosis Video

Hey everyone, in case you missed the note set over mitosis, or you didn't get all of the notes, here it is:

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Field Biology - Google Classroom assignment

Hey there,

If you missed class the other day, you should have gotten an E Mail from me with an invite into the new Field Bio Google Classroom page.  Please join that site and complete the assignment over the reproductive cycles of deer species for points.  It's worth +14 and is due Monday by 4pm.  Thanks!!!

Field Biology 10/12 - 10/16

Objective this week:  To learn specifics about aging deer via tooth wear and to create a tutorial on video over the process.

Tooth aging - whitetail deer.  The basic info can be found here:

Data analysis - grasshoppers

Tooth aging whitetail deer and begin video tutorial over the topic.  Specifics can be found here:

Data analysis - grasshoppers

Tooth wear tutorial project

Anatomy 10/12 - 10/16

Objective this week:  To discuss cancer mechanics and to take a test over the integumentary system unit on Friday

Cancer mechanics and specifics, including roles of genes and facts about various types of cancer

Video clip - cancer mechanics.  Review skin facts

Review burns/hair/nails

Review cancer/wrap up unit

Integumentary system exam

7th Science 10/12 - 10/16

Objective this week:  To learn the importance of cell division and the mechanics of how it works, and to complete a microscope lab and a kinesthetic activity called "46 pairs".

Watch a lecture video over cell division & complete a worksheet over the video.  The video can be found here:

Onion root tip lab

Finish the onion root-tip lab and then read pages 85 - 93.  Complete # 1-10 on page 94.

Begin kinesthetic activity "46 pairs"

46 pairs continued

6th Science 10/12 - 10/16

Objective this week: To discuss galaxies and review solar system facts, and take a quiz at the end of the week to show mastery of the content.

Film paperslide videos

Galaxies and light years.  Read pages 59 -61 and do # 1-10 on page 63

Book questions due. Review galaxies and re-visit moon phases.

Review galaxies, moon phases, and stars.

Quiz - space systems

Zoology 10/12 - 10/16

Objective this week:  To learn about phylum mollusca and major classes through lecture, lab work, and a quiz at the end of the week

Class bivalvia and clam anatomy, and Google Classroom walkthrough

Squid dissection 1

Cephalopoda and octopus investigation

Squid dissection 2

Quiz:  Bivalvia & cephalopoda

Biology 10/12-10/16

Objective this week:  To determine the level of understanding of carrying capacity & density through a quiz, as well as learning how to determine population growth types/trophic levels in a food web.

Quiz - carrying capacity and density
Google Classroom walkthrough

Growth curves:  Exponential vs Logistic growth

Trophic levels and food webs

Cooperative animal behavior

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Field Biology Assignment due 10/7/15 by 4pm ...

Look up information regarding the life cycle of elk and/or elk antler shedding & the process behind it.  E Mail me the link to the URL, and in your E Mail, write a reflection over what you learned in the article.  The reflection must be a minimum of ten complete sentences, and will be due by 4pm tomorrow.

Zoology Earthworm Practical

Here are the structures you need to know for tomorrow's earthworm practical.  You'll also need to know any functions as well.


  • Prostomium
  • Clitellum


  • Aortic arches
  • Brain
  • Esophagus
  • Crop
  • Gizzard
  • Intestine
  • Seminal vesicle
  • Seminal receptacle
  • Septa

**The practical will involve pins stuck in the earthworm and you will need to identify the structures based on identification/function.  There will be a partial word bank to help with spelling/memory.

Here is a link to the structures:

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Paperslide Videos .... How to do them!

Hey gang, whenever we need to do paperslide videos, here are the instructions how to do one:

Here are some more tips that I filmed:

6th Science 10/5 - 10/9

Objective this week:  To understand how the solar system is arranged, and facts about stars, galaxies, and planets.  There will be a papreslide video activity this week, as well as a quiz on Friday over stars and galaxies.

Discuss the planets of the solar system.  Read pages 50-55.  Do # 1-10 on page 56.

Page 56 questions due.  Review planets through a paperslide video project

Wednesday -Thursday
Earth/Space unit paperslide shows and begin galazies

Quiz - planets.  Discuss galaxies