Sunday, October 25, 2015

Field Biology 10/26 -10/30

Objective this week:  To introduce animal skull identification and complete a unit test over tracks and skull identification at the end of the week

Critical thinking activity over biodiversity:

  • Choose 8 organisms (living/dead ... plants, grasshoppers, etc, any combination of these) (+8)
  • Title "Biodiversity" (+2)
  • Include four labels (consumer producer, decomposer, organism name, etc) (+2)
  • Explain their importance to the ecosystem (+3)
  • Total points = +15 (test points)

**This is a critical thinking activity to explain the importance of biodiversity in the ecosystem.  Basically students were given until the end of the period to collect eight things and explain their importance in the ecosystem.  This was due by the end of class today.  If you're not here, it needs to be completed when you get back ... the easiest way is to film it with your phone, or bring it to me in the morning or after school.  If you've passed the attendance policy guidelines (your five days), remember it's due when you get back so you don't miss these points. **

If you have any questions, please E Mail me so I can help walk you through the process.

Grasshopper data analysis

Skull identification/review animal tracks

Grasshopper data analysis/review animal tracks and skulls.  Complete data entry for grasshopper analysis

Test - animal skulls and tracks