Monday, November 23, 2015

Zoology 11/23 - 11/24

Objective this week:  To wrap up the crayfish dissection and film a dissection tutorial over crayfish anatomy

Dissection wrap-up, mini interviews

Film crayfish segments (both internal and external anatomy)

Anatomy 11/23 - 11/24

Objective this week:  To introduce and become familiar with the parts of the upper skeleton and arms

Monday & Tuesday
Upper skeleton bone identification

Field Biology 11/23 - 11/24

Objective this week:  Field work, weather pending.  Wrap up bird management

Monday & Tuesday
Field work and bird management wrap up

7th Life Science 11/23 - 11/24

Objective this week:  To build DNA models and get hands-on experience with how DNA is built.

Monday & Tuesday
DNA model construction

6th Science 11/23 - 11/24

Objective this week:  Student differentiated projects - student-taught lessons over volcanoes, earthquakes, and fault lines

Student taught lessons

Review - earth systems

Biology 11/23 - 11/24

Objective this week:  Wrap up cell basics and film the kinesthetic project

Film kinesthetic project today

Review - cells

Friday, November 20, 2015

Field Biology Rocket Netting Assignment

Here is the assignment that we did in class today, Friday 11/20/15.  It is due by the end of the period.  If you're absent, the assignment is due upon your return, as per the District's late work policy.  Please take the time to complete this reading and the worksheet that's at the very end of it.  Thank you.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Anatomy 11/16 - 11/20

Objective this week:  To reach the level of mastery over the bones of the face and spine, completing a practical exam at the end of the week

Hadachek absent - complete pre lab over bones of the spine

Spinal bones

Hadachek absent - open study of spinal bones

Spinal bones and review for practical test over the bones of the face and spine

Practical - bones of the face and spine

Zoology 11/16 - 11/20

Objective this week:  To introduce crustaceans and decapods, and to complete a dissection over the crayfish.

Crustaceans and decapods

Crayfish dissection

Video today

Crayfish and decapods

Crayfish dissection

Field Biology 11/16 - 11/20

Objective this week:  To discuss bird management in Kansas and across the country, including facts about wild turkey and quail

Monday - Friday
Bird management specifics and applications

7th Life Science 11/16 -11/20

Objective this week:  To master the concepts of sexual & asexual reproduction through the successful completion of a STEM activity.

Introduce the STEM activity

Tuesday - Friday
Seed building STEM

6th Science 11/16 - 11/20

Objective this week:  To reach the level of mastery over earthquakes & natural disasters.  There will be a test on Friday over these concepts

Monday - Wednesday
Wrap up important concepts over earthquakes & natural disasters, and discuss erosion and weathering

Review for Friday's quiz

Quiz- weathering, erosion, and earthquakes

Biology 11/16 - 11/20

Objective this week:  To master the concepts of cells by the end of the week through a kinesthetic activity and lab work, culminating with a quiz at the end of the week.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Afraid of the Dark kinesthetic activity

Cell lab

Quiz - cells and tonicity

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Zoology Grasshopper Practical

Here is the answer sheet for the practical (blank, of course) .... this gives you an idea of what the format will be like .......

Monday, November 9, 2015

Zoology 11/9 - 11/13

Objective this week:  To discuss class Insecta, and reach level of mastery on the grasshopper dissection through the completion of a practical exam.  There will also be an Insecta quiz at the end of the week.

Begin class Insecta - morphology, success, and species

Final grasshopper lab

class Insecta

Grasshopper practical exam

Quiz - class Insecta

Anatomy 11/9 - 11/13

Objective this week:  To reach the level of mastery with bone functioning, measured through the completion of a bone test at the beginning of the week.  From there, specific bone names will be introduced, starting with the bones of the face and the spine.

Bone Unit Exam

Tuesday - Friday
Bone identification labs all week

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Field Biology 11/9 - 11/13

Objective this week:  To reach the level of mastery with mammal skulls and tracks through the completion of an exam, and to begin discussing wildlife management and sampling methods

Test - mammal skulls and track identification

Radio collar techniques and wildlife sampling methods

Video today

Thursday & Friday
Turkey and upland game management

7th Science 11/9 - 11/13

Objective this week:  To understand how mutations and "survival gimmicks" play into an organism's long-term survival on this planet.  A STEM activity will take place to conclude the week.

Video - mutations.  Genetics packets due today by 4pm.

Discussion of mutation outcomes


Homework will be this word search.  Define the vocab words on the back side of the paper, in complete sentences.  This will be due tomorrow.

Word Search:

Thursday & Friday
STEM activity - mutations

6th Science 11/9 - 11/13

Objective this week:  To learn about earthquakes, how they work, and how to build earthquake-resistant structures through a STEM activity.

Earthquakes & mountain building

Video - changing Earth surfaces

Veteran's Day program ... no class

Thursday & Friday
Earthquake STEM

Biology 11/9 - 11/13

Objective this week:  To understand the importance of cells, their discovery to mankind, and to learn the pieces and parts which make up a cell & allows them to function.

Introduction to cells.  Discuss the anatomy of cells and their components

Cell classifications and divisions, and continue cellular components

Cells in your body .... here's what you need to do:

Research cells in your body, so you can be more aware of the different cells and what they do for your life.

Using the Internet:
Choose five different cells located in your body.  You will need a different website for each cell type you research.  Do not use the same website for multiple cell types.  For each site, provide the link to the site, and discuss the cell that you have chosen that you found interesting.


  • Five web links provided:  (+1 each, +5 total)
  • A different cell type listed for each web site, including functions of that cell, where they are found, and what you found interesting about that cell type complete sentences.   (+2 each, +10 total)
  • A YouTube link provided discussing one of your body's cell types (+1)
  • A review, in complete sentences, about the information found in the YouTube video (+2)

+18 and this is due tomorrow .... 11/12.  Please E Mail to thanks!

Cell lab - microscopes

Cell quiz - cell basics

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Zoology Grasshopper Dissection & Practical Information

The grasshopper dissection practical is scheduled for Thursday, 11/12.  The dissection packet will be due by Wednesday, 11/11 by that day as well.

Here are the specific structures that you need to have mastered by test day:

Zoology Tick Quiz on Friday!!

There will be a tick quiz on Friday, 11/6/15.  Here is what you will need to know for it:

  • The quiz will be on paper, not on Quia.
  • You will have five minutes to study in class for it.
  • Be able to identify Lone Star Ticks and American Dog Ticks from a picture
  • Study and know the life stages of a tick, from egg to adult, including correct leg numbers
  • Male vs female tick ... how to tell the difference?
  • Hypostome - what is it?
  • How do you correctly and safely remove a tick that's embedded in your skin?
  • Lyme Disease .... what does it do?
  • What are some measures you should take to reduce tick exposure when outside?

Let me know if you have any questions.  Good luck!