Sunday, November 8, 2015

Biology 11/9 - 11/13

Objective this week:  To understand the importance of cells, their discovery to mankind, and to learn the pieces and parts which make up a cell & allows them to function.

Introduction to cells.  Discuss the anatomy of cells and their components

Cell classifications and divisions, and continue cellular components

Cells in your body .... here's what you need to do:

Research cells in your body, so you can be more aware of the different cells and what they do for your life.

Using the Internet:
Choose five different cells located in your body.  You will need a different website for each cell type you research.  Do not use the same website for multiple cell types.  For each site, provide the link to the site, and discuss the cell that you have chosen that you found interesting.


  • Five web links provided:  (+1 each, +5 total)
  • A different cell type listed for each web site, including functions of that cell, where they are found, and what you found interesting about that cell type complete sentences.   (+2 each, +10 total)
  • A YouTube link provided discussing one of your body's cell types (+1)
  • A review, in complete sentences, about the information found in the YouTube video (+2)

+18 and this is due tomorrow .... 11/12.  Please E Mail to thanks!

Cell lab - microscopes

Cell quiz - cell basics