Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Thursday Quizzes ... What to expect (Biology, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, Field Biology)

Here are some things to concentrate on for tomorrow's quizzes in the following classes:


We've been talking about mitosis and meiosis.  Be able to put the stages in order ... prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.  Be able to distinguish the stages in these processes apart by correctly pairing photos of the stages with the names of the corresponding stage.  Understand how mitosis and meiosis are different, and what the specific differences are, along with the importance of each process to your life.  The quiz will be multiple choice, short answer, and possibly matching as well .....

6th Grade:

Understand the differences between renewable and non-renewable resources, examples of each, and their importance.  This quiz will be a combination of multiple choice and short answer/fill- in questions.

7th Grade:

Be able to explain why geologic time and "our" time are completely different concepts.  Be able to tell, in general, what organisms lived in the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic Eras.  Also, be able to answer these questions:

What Era included the Devonian Period?
What Era included the Triassic Period?
What Era included the Jurassic Period?
What Era included the Cretaceous Period?
What Era are we in right now?

Here is the link to the geologic time frame web site used in class:

This quiz will be a combination of multiple choice/short answer questions

Field Biology:

Be able to list facts about puddle ducks, diving ducks, the Canada Goose, and the Snow Goose.  Be able to identify in pictures different duck species.  This quiz will be short answer, fill-in, and picture identification.