Sunday, September 10, 2017

6th Science 9/11 - 9/15

Objective this week:  To design/redesign scribble bots to fulfill an engineering goal.  The scribble bot must travel in a straight line over a pre-determined distance.  Quiz on Friday.

Finish the initial design phases and testing of scribble bots.

Video - engineering design process.  Here is the video we will watch today; it's about the Freedom Tower and the engineering behind it.  Your assignment is to write TEN engineering facts over the video.  These facts will be due when you get back to school.

Wednesday - Friday
Re-design scribble bots and execute trials to accomplish the goal of traveling in a straight line along a track for 1/2 meter distance.  This focuses heavily on the engineering design process.

Friday there will be a quiz over scribble bot design builds and the engineering design process.