Sunday, August 19, 2018

Biology 8/20 - 8/24

This week we will be focusing on our first unit ......"Living Systems".  

Our lesson for the week:  "Life in the Earth System"

The basic question we want to be able to answer this week is simply, "What are the levels of organization within the Earth System?"  

Learning activities:

Monday & Tuesday
Systems & system models; investigate how systems work together.  

Finish systems & system models; Choose a differentiated path under the "Continue Your Exploration" section of the E-Text.

The Earth system; discuss levels of organization from smaller components of the Earth to the biosphere; 

Finish the Earth system; Continue working on your differentiated path under the "Continue Your Exploration" section of the E-Text.

Wrap up this week's activities if needed, present findings of your differentiated path, and begin studying major points over lesson one.