Monday, October 28, 2019

Environmental Science 10/28 - 11/1

Objective this week:  To understand the importance of photoperiodism in the life of organisms, and to begin looking at carnivores in Kansas, creating a presentation over what you've learned with them.

Begin photoperiodism - what is photoperiodism?  How does it affect living things?
Assignment - research photoperiodism in a minimum of two animals and one plant.  Include a minimum of three websites used in this project besides Wikipedia.  Write a review over each website, 7-10 sentences and include the links/sources with your E Mail.

WT Deer timeline and life cycle; explain how photoperiodism fits in to this process.

Discuss facts over Kansas carnivores - begin a multimedia project over them.

Halloween activity today for points.

Kansas carnivores multimedia project work.