Sunday, May 3, 2020

Biology 5/4 - 5/8

Objective this week:  To review information learned throughout the school year by completing a review assignment.

Zoom meeting this week:  Tuesday 5/5  at 9am.   This meeting will be MANDATORY to attend, as I will be taking attendance for a grade.  This is the only Zoom meeting for this week.  

This week's assignment (Due at 11:59pm Sunday, 5//10/2020)

Write down 40 specific things you've learned this school year into a Google Doc and share it with me, submitting through Google Classroom.   Short, vague statements like, "I learned about genetics", or "I learned how to do Punnett squares", are not acceptable.  They have to be specific things, such as, "I learned that genetics help to determine the traits of offspring" or something like that.