Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Anatomy 10/11-10/14


Today we will be videotaping our segments over the integumentary system notes; there is no time limit and it's worth ten points.  The purpose of this project is to help students learn and remember parts of the integumentary system in "non-traditional" ways, through the use of video technology.


I will be absent today with my field biology students.  Students will be given the period to cover the tables   and write interactive study guides in preparation for next week's test.


Today we will discuss cancer, and the mechanics of cancer cells.  We will cover protooncogenes, oncogenes, Rb, and p53, with an objective of learning about how cancer actually works and why it's so damaging to us.  We will also discuss apoptosis, and how it relates to the cell.  The major skin cancers are on pages 156-157 in your textbook.


Continue discussion of cancer mechanics.  Prepare for next Tuesday's test.