Monday, October 3, 2011

Anatomy 10/3-10/7

Objective: to take a quiz over the epidermal layers; performance objective is 100/75.  Also, wrap up discussion of dermis & epidermis

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective: discussion over hair anatomy, nails, and specific functions of the integumentary system

Text: 150-154

Vocab: hair shaft, hair root, hair bulb, terminal, vellus, alopecia, keratin, trichotillomania, lunula, hangnail

Homework: none

Objective: finish discussing specific skin functions; introduce first, second, and third degree burns, and the rule of nines. 

Text: 155-156

Vocab: rule of nines, first, second, third degree burns, electrolytes, fungus

Homework: none

Objective: to discuss the mechanics of cancer, and how cancer affects our life.  primary investigation will center around different types of skin cancers

Text: 156-157

Vocab: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma, p53, Rb, protooncogenes, oncogenes, apoptosis, ABCD rule

Homework: none

Objective: wrap up integumentary unit, in-class activity TBA

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none