Friday, January 31, 2014

Tech, tech, tech!!!

Tools of the trade in my science class:  MacBook Pro, portable HD video cameras, and headphones....they're great for multimedia projects!!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Life Science Updates 1/29-1/31 ... Important if you missed class!!!

This video is important......!!!!!!!

Here are the links for the article and the assignment handout:


Assignment Handout:

Random acts of kindness...

Here's another reason why teaching school is so amazing.....a student brought this to me and said, "Here, these are for you."   Man I love my job!!!  Kids are so awesome!!!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Life Science 1/27-1/31

Objective this week:  To learn how animal and plant specializations lead to long-term survival/reproductive success.

Watch a video over the human genome and mutations.

Introduce the topic of body specialization and survival/reproduction.  Have a class question/answer session over the topic.  Have students draw an animal, plant, or other life form randomly and then brainstorm ideas over how this organism increases its odds for survival & reproduction. Then watch the video below and take notes.

Review information from yesterday.  Use specimens from class to build on yesterday's activity. Complete a project over a pollination handout.

Discuss plant specializations and work on project

Projects due today.  Take quiz.

Field Biology 1/27-1/31

Objective this week:  To be able to identify the different canis species in Kansas as well as varmints.  Animals include coyotes, foxes, raccooons, and skunks.

Discuss coyotes and foxes.  Learn about their anatomy, tracks, and scat

Read an article over urban coyotes and complete a worksheet by Friday.  The article can be found here:

Discuss foxes and varmints.

Work on multimedia project

Work on multimedia project.  Worksheet due today.

Anatomy 1/27-1/31

Objective this week: To learn and understand how the peripheral nervous system works in conjunction with the central nervous system to make life possible.

Begin discussing divisions of the PNS (general divisions), including the somatic and autonomic nervous systems.  Please watch the video for it here, and answer the questions at the end of the video via  Edmodo:

Continue discussing PNS divisions and sleep categories. Watch the lecture video below and answer the questions at the end of it via Edmodo:

Review material from Monday, Tuesday.  Take a quiz over basic PNS divisions.  Discuss memory and what we know about it

Create a multimedia presentation over the PNS.

Continue working on multimedia presentation.  Present to class on Wednesday

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Zoology 1/27-1/31

Objective this week:  To learn about modern-day amphibians, their anatomy, and their importance to ecosystems.

Present multimedia projects to class - the history of amphibians

Begin discussing amphibian body plans and basic anatomy

All about frogs - form and function and species. 

Salamanders and their cousins

Video - tiger salamanders. If you miss class, watch it here:

Biology 1/27-1/31

Objective this week:  To complete the paperslide video project, and to learn about Mendel's laws ..... understanding of concept through quiz and punnett squares.

Finish paper slide video project today.  Film tomorrow. 

Film paper slide videos.  

Introduction to Mendels laws.  Watch lecture video below.  Discuss probability

Introduce Punnett squares. Watch the video below:

Punnett square practice and quiz over Mendel's laws

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Big Shout-Outs Today!!

You know, every single day I take a lot of pride in being an educator.  My classes are so much more than being about content - they're about the entire educational experience - about leadership, making positive choices, and becoming better people through classroom interaction and hard work.  I set the bar high ..... really high ......and I must say, my students deliver big time.  So today I have to give a HUGE shout out to all of my students in my classes - you work hard for me, and you're at the top of your game.  Today was an excellent example of that.  Whether it's my first period biology group behaving and asking awesome questions, or my field biology group buckling down and researching elk - you stepped up and did an awesome job.

I push you to always be the best - and it takes a lot of dedication and hard work.  But always remember this ......nobody ever said it was going to be easy ......they just said it would be worth it.  Good job everybody!!!

Life Science Paperslide Videos.....

Today in 7th grade biology class we started a paperslide video project over genetics and pedigree charts.  The purpose is to have students explain the importance of genetics and how genetics is important for their lives.  By having students explain the material, it shows and promotes a deeper understanding of the content.  Here's how to do one:

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Anatomy Updates .....Including Test Review!!

Were you absent for anatomy class at all this week?  Here's a brief rundown of what's going on in class:

Here is the test review sheet for Thursday's Test:

Meiosis, meiosis, meiosis!

In class today, we discussed all things meiosis!  Students had a ton of questions over production of sperm and egg, twins, chromosome numbers, and other interesting questions.  I love question/answer sessions because students get clarification on things they were either unsure about or just plain curious about.  One of the things I handed out in class was this worksheet, which is due tomorrow:

Be sure you look it over, and let me know if you have any questions by E Mailing me at ......

Also, we watched a most righteous video over meiosis by the "Cell Mates" ..... these guys really know how to throw it down when it comes to meiosis.  Check it out .....

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Life Science 1/20-1/24

Objectives this week:  To understand construction of punnett squares, how dominant and recessive traits cycle through populations, and how to construct pedigree charts.  

Punnett square practice and punnett square worksheet #1.  Due tomorrow.

Punnett square quiz #1.  Begin discussing pedigree charts.

Paper slide shows over genetics and construction of pedigree charts.  

Continue paper slide show construction.

Paper slide shows are due today.  Filming must be completed by 4pm today.

Field Biology 1/20-1/24

Objective this week:  To understand how elk differ from deer and other big game.  By the end of the week, students should be able to take a test over these big game species with a 100/80% performance objective.

Discuss elk.  Watch a multimedia video over the elk that can be found here:

Elk lecture and discussion, including elk in Kansas.  Worksheet/multimedia over elk species and habits.  Hand out review sheet for Thursday's test.

Here is the review sheet for the test:

Review for Thursday's test

Test - big game of Kansas, habits, the effects of photoperiodism, and tooth wear

TBA - wildlife sampling techniques

Anatomy 1/20-1/24

Objective this week:  To understand how the central nervous system functions through the coordination of all its parts, along with hands-on experience of a brain dissection.  By the end of the week students will be able to take a test over the CNS with a 100/80% performance objective.

Sheep brain dissection 1.

Sheep brain dissection 2.  Midbrain quiz.  Hand out review sheets for Thursday's exam.

Review for Thursday's exam

Exam - central nervous system.  There is a 100/80% performance objective on this exam.

Introduction to the peripheral nervous system

Zoology 1/20-1/24

Objective this week:  To understand the adaptations of amphibians to their environment and learn about the history of amphibians from the past up through present time

Geologic history of amphibians and basic body plan. The video can be found here:

Introduce multimedia project over geologic history of amphibians.  Work on multimedia project.  This will be due on Monday of next week.  Guidelines for the project can be found here:

Review geologic history of amphibians.  Research/work on multimedia project today.

Amphibian quiz.  Work on multimedia project, due Monday!

Finish the multimedia project.

Biology 1/20-1/24

Objective this week:  To learn about the inheritance and variation of traits within living systems.  By the end of this week, students will understand the process of meiosis as well as the basics of genetics and Mendel's work.

Watch a video lecture over meiosis in class and answer questions.  The video can be found here:

Review meiosis facts.  Class question/answer session over meiosis and critical thinking worksheet.

Begin discussing basic genetics and Mendel's work with pea plants.  Watch a lecture video over basic genetics which can be found here:

Review basic genetics.  Class question/answer session.  Complete a worksheet over the topic.

Meiosis quiz, differentiated project over basic genetics:  Create a paper slide video over basic genetics.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Zoology - Dichotomous Keys!!

Here is a tutorial on how to make a dichotomous key.  While this key doesn't have many living things in it, the principles behind the key is essentially the same:  It's an outline that allows a person, through the process of elimination, to determine what an unknown plant/animal/skull/etc is and the characteristics it represents.  Enjoy the tutorial and E Mail me at if you have any questions .....

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Biology Class January 15th ......What you missed....

Did you miss biology class today (Wednesday 1/15)?  If so, here's what you missed out on:

There will be a CELL DIVISION test this FRIDAY.  I handed out the review sheet today.  Here is the review sheet .....

Then I gave out an assignment based on the "46 pairs" kinesthetic activity.  This activity is due tomorrow.  Be sure that you use the lyrics from the activity to help you.  Here is the assignment link for it:

After answering those questions, I want you to write a reflection on notebook paper over the article link below.  The reflection must be in complete sentences.  Tell me what the article was about, the importance of the content in the article, and what you thought about the article itself.  I'd write at least 6-8 sentences here:

That's what you missed today.....the due date given to first period  is tomorrow by class.  If you have any questions feel free to E Mail me at  Good luck!!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Zoology 1/13-1/17

Objective this week:  To learn about the fish & animals of the Amazon River Basin and understand their importance to the ecosystem in which they live.  From there, transition from aquatic to terrestrial animals and environments

Video - "Amazon:  Land of the Flooded Forest"

Reflection over the video; transition from aquatic to terrestrial environments.  Begin discussing dichotomous keys

Key construction and key assignment

Begin discussing amphibians - history, morphology, etc

Amphibian anatomy & physiology

Life Science 1/13-1/17

Video today

Discuss specific stages of mitosis.

Review mitosis and hand out worksheet.  Worksheet due tomorrow, 1/16 at the beginning of class.

Allele discussion, and dominant vs recessive traits.  Explain punnett squares.  Practice doing these problems in class.  Worksheet due today

Allele discussion, and dominant vs recessive traits.  Explain punnett squares.  Practice doing these problems in class.  Worksheet due today.

Punnett square practice.

Field Biology 1/13-1/17

Discuss differences between whitetail deer and mule deer; be able to identify the species by sight and understand skull/antler differences between the species.  Watch three videos over aging via tooth wear.

Finish watching the video sets over tooth wear and aging.  Construct a video presentation demonstrating how to age white-tailed deer via tooth wear.

Finish the video recording project.  Film tomorrow.

Film the tooth wear tutorial.  Due tomorrow.

Review for Tuesday's deer exam

Anatomy 1/13-1/17

Objective this week:  To understand the function(s) of the cerebral cortex and the rest of the central nervous system structures and to learn the effects of drug use on the body and on neurotransmitters

Discuss the functions of the thalamus, hypothalamus, mid brain

Continue discussion of the midbrain structures/Begin watching the video, "National Geographic's World's Most Dangerous Drug".  Worksheet today over cerebrum areas.  Due tomorrow.

Finish video and discuss.  Worksheet due today.  Write a reflection over the video on Edmodo.

Edmodo assignment due.  Discuss drug use and what it does to neurotransmitters and the body

Quiz - thalamus, hypothalamus, and midbrain.  Discuss specifics related to personality and the pre-frontal cortex.

Biology 1/13-1/17

Objectives this week:  To understand how cellular division (mitosis) works and why it's important.

Introduce the "46 pairs" kinesthetic activity.  Students will work on this activity during the class period.

Finish rehearsing the "46 pairs" activity and film the activity today.

Modular activity today; complete the following tasks:

  • Look at active mitotic cells under a microscope in an onion root tip
  • Look at and identify cell division stages on a projected image on the wall
  • Read an article over current mitosis research in a current-event article
  • Complete a worksheet over the "46 pairs" activity

Both worksheets from yesterday due today.  Review for tomorrow's mitosis test

Mitosis test - there is a 100/90 performance objective on this test.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Life Science - Sexual Reproduction & Mitosis Video Notes

Notes from January 7th, 8th:

Field Biology Quiz Tomorrow 1/9!!

Tomorrow there will be a Field Biology quiz.  This quiz will cover the "timeline" mentioned in the life of a white-tailed deer, as well as sign/behavior exhibited during their life.  Be able to relate the photoperiod (length of day/night) to these life events.  The quiz will primarily be a multiple choice quiz....good luck!!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Life Science 1/6-1/10

Objective:  To understand how growth, development, and reproduction of organisms are all tied together and directly affect that organism's ability to survive.

Discuss differences between chromosomes and genes, and basic sexual vs asexual reproduction.  Look at chromosome counts.  Discuss alleles.

Review Tuesday's material; Watch a lecture video over genes vs. chromosomes and sexual vs. asexual reproduction, and basic cell division.  Answer questions over video on Edmodo.  Questions due tomorrow by the beginning of class.

Discuss advantages of each form of reproduction (sexual and asexual).  Look at animal specimens and discuss their genetics.  Complete a worksheet over this.

Field Biology 1/6-1/10

Objective:  To learn about the life cycle of a white-tailed deer and understand key components of that life cycle.  Also be able to distinguish whitetail deer from mule deer

Whitetail deer - anatomy of, facts about, and timelines.

Review Monday's material; key in on timelines and photoperiodism.  Discuss differences between whitetails and mule deer.  Edmodo assignment today (Due Friday)

Investigation - antlers vs. horns, aging via tooth wear.

Open lab - tooth wear specifics, aging via tooth wear.

Quiz - life cycle and tooth wear.  Edmodo assignment due today by 4pm.

Anatomy 1/6-1/10

Objective:  To understand specific structures of the human brain (cerebrum), why those structures exist, and how they function.

Explain differences between gyri, sulci, fissures, and the corpus callosum.  Discuss cerebral cortex specifics and the lateralization of cortical functioning

Review yesterday's material; discuss sensory vs motor areas and complete worksheet over these areas.  Worksheet due by class tomorrow.

Worksheet due; Watch HHMI lecture over the brain

Review material from Monday, Tuesday.  Worksheet due today.  Finish HHMI video lecture.  Begin discussing the lateralization of cortical functioning and right/left brain dominance

Lateralization of cortical functioning.  Quiz today over material from Mon-Wed.

Zoology 1/6-1/10

Objective this week:  To learn about the Pacific Salmon lifecycle and understand why/how it works.  Be able to know and understand what the word "anadromous" means, as well as being able to identify salmon

Video - Salmon runs

Discuss salmon and salmonoid species; begin identification of salmon species, similarities vs. differences

Salmon population investigation assignment on Edmodo and finish video.

Review salmon species; quiz tomorrow 1/6.  Online salmon dissection.

Salmon quiz; finish Edmodo assignment due today by class time.

Biology 1/6-1/10

Objective this week:  To learn and understand what chromosomes are, the differences between haploid and diploid cells, and advantages of both sexual and asexual reproduction.  Begin discussing cellular division.

Introduction to chromosomes, genes, and sexual vs asexual reproduction.  Discuss chromosome structure, genotype vs phenotype, and asexual reproduction

Discuss/review reproductive strategies and key advantages to both processes.  Look at chromosome counts from different animals/organisms.

Continue discussion on reproductive strategies and success

Begin discussing mitosis and the importance of cellular division.  Explain the four steps of mitosis, as well as interphase.

Review mitosis; modular activity today over mitosis.  Due Tuesday of next week.