Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Big Shout-Outs Today!!

You know, every single day I take a lot of pride in being an educator.  My classes are so much more than being about content - they're about the entire educational experience - about leadership, making positive choices, and becoming better people through classroom interaction and hard work.  I set the bar high ..... really high ......and I must say, my students deliver big time.  So today I have to give a HUGE shout out to all of my students in my classes - you work hard for me, and you're at the top of your game.  Today was an excellent example of that.  Whether it's my first period biology group behaving and asking awesome questions, or my field biology group buckling down and researching elk - you stepped up and did an awesome job.

I push you to always be the best - and it takes a lot of dedication and hard work.  But always remember this ......nobody ever said it was going to be easy ......they just said it would be worth it.  Good job everybody!!!