Monday, April 4, 2011

Applied Earth Assist 4/4-4/8

Objective: Prep time for newscasts

Text: use as needed for project

Vocab: none
Homework: prep for newscast as needed

Objective: Newscast rehearsal.  Be sure all parts are ready to go!

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: Be ready to present tomorrow!

Objective: Newscasts, wrap up weather unit/severe storms

Text: none today

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: hand out review sheet over weather/climate for next Tuesday's test

Text:  see review sheet for pages

Vocab: see review sheet
Homework: study for test

Objective: Hadachek absent; Read pages 596-603 and do questions 1-5 on 603.  After doing the assignment and turning the questions in (they are due at end of period), read 606-615.

Text: 596-615

Vocab: none
Homework: page 603 # 1-5 due at end of period