Friday, April 29, 2011

Biology 5/2-5/6

Objective: Introduce amphibians; external and internal anatomy of, including physiology of major body systems

Text: none

Vocab: ectothermic, cutaneous respiration, tadpoles, amplexus, pulmonary & systemic circulation, mucous glands, cloaca

Homework: review notes

Objective: virtual frog dissection part 1

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective: discuss amphibian deformities, abnormalities, do a worksheet over class handouts

Text: read class handout(s)

Vocab: review vocab in the note set

Homework: finish worksheet if needed

Objective: virtual frog dissection part 2

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: review notes, prepare for quiz

Objective: amphibian quiz; discuss salamanders, mudpuppies, hellbenders, and their anatomy

Text: none

Vocab: axlotl, larva, gills

Homework: none