Monday, April 4, 2011

Biology 4/4-4/8

Objective: Discuss ticks, species, diseases, awareness, and prevention

Text: none

Vocab: Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, hypostome, larva, nymph, adult, Permanone
Homework: none

Objective: arthropod lab; look at different parts of arthropods/insects under a microscope and answer questions on a lab handout.

Text: use classroom texts (chapters 37-38) as encyclopedia material if needed

Vocab: see lab handout
Homework: finish lab handout for tomorrow

Objective: Students to CRC to  Students will look up insect facts/videos/multimedia resources and do a worksheet that will be due by Thursday.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: multimedia worksheet due Thursday

Objective: Begin review over arthropods; hand out review sheet for Monday's test

Text: none - review notes

Vocab: see review sheet
Homework: study material on review sheets at home for at least 20 minutes

Objective: Hadachek absent - cooperative learning and study for Monday's test over arthropods

Text: use chapters 37, 38 as an encyclopedia/study guide to accompany note set if needed

Vocab: see review sheet for vocab
Homework: study for test daily over the weekend