Monday, March 28, 2011

Anatomy 3/28-4/1

Objective: To take a quiz over basic blood cell facts, and flow of circulation through the heart; discuss valves, nodes, bioelectricity of the heart

Text:  672-676

Vocab: SA node, AV node, ECG
Homework: worksheet due on Wed.

Objective: heart dissection

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: finish dissection handout, turn in Wed.

Objective: practice vocab; vocab word search and define words on back of paper.

Text: review all pages covered

Vocab: see handout.
Homework: vocab sheet due Thursday.

Objective: Design heart models and pumps

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: Discuss AICD's, bypass surgery, and begin review of the cardiovascular system.  Test next Wednesday.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: AICD worksheet due Monday