Friday, March 25, 2011

Biology 3/28-4/1

Objective: Review State Standards Test.  Finish earthworm dissection sheet

Text:  none

Vocab:  none

Homework:  none

Objective: Discuss arthropods.  Cover basic body plans and structures.  Discuss insects and their success.

Text: none - pages 743-745, 761-767.

Vocab:  arthropods, appendages, compound eyes, exoskeleton, mandibles, carapace, head, thorax, abdomen


Objective:  Use books from back of room.  Read 743-750.  Do #1-6 on 750.

Text: 743-750

Vocab: see book pages

Homework: #1-6 on 750 due by end of period

Objective: Dissect Grasshoppers.  Hands-on experience with arthropods.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: complete grasshopper dissection and turn in Friday.

Objective: Discuss spiders, including poisonous & non-poisonous spiders in Kansas

Text: none

Vocab: see handout

Homework: questions over handout due on Monday