Monday, March 7, 2011

Anatomy 3/7-3/11

Objective: Discuss hearing, ears, and their anatomy/physiology

Text: 563-573

Vocab: outer, middle, inner ear, pinnae, lobule, tympanum, malleus, incus, stapes, cochlea, semicircular canals
Homework: none

Objective: finish ear/hearing.  Give worksheet assignment out, and review sheet.

Text: none

Vocab: review note vocab
Homework: either finish worksheet in class, or take home and finish.  Look at review sheet at home, fill out what you can.

Objective: Begin review for special senses test on Friday.  The test will cover major anatomy of the ears, eyes, and mouth

Text: review chapter 16

Vocab:  see notes for vocab
Homework: study review sheet

Objective: Finish review for special senses test; Get into groups and work on some cooperative learning with peer grouping.

Text: review important parts of chapter 16.

Vocab: see notes for vocab
Homework: vocab sheet/definitions list; take home and do, and review for test.  Definitions list will be due Friday

Objective: To take special senses test

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none