Monday, March 7, 2011

Applied Earth Assist 3/7-3/11

Objective: Discuss ocean water chemistry, including salinity, temperatures, gases.

Text: 439-443

Vocab:  ppm, salinity, submersible, water column, density, pressure, temperature
Homework: 443 (1-4), 454 (1-10)

Objective: Discuss currents and climate.  Tie in the Coriolis Effect to the lecture.  Discuss how currents and upwelling interact to affect climate

Text: 446-452. 

Vocab:  Coriolis Effect, climate, currents, density, upwelling, El Nino
Homework: Study for Wednesday's quiz

Objective: Take quiz over ocean water chemistry and currents. Begin discussing the atmosphere.  Atmospheric composition and air information

Text: 498-507

Vocab: weather, atmosphere, ozone, water vapor, air quality, acid rain, temperature inversion
Homework:  #1-4 on 501, #1-5 on 507

Objective:  Measuring air pressure, and atmospheric layers.  Cover all major "spheres" of the earth

Text:  515-520.  Key in on page 517....there is an excellent graphic on that page which summarizes atmospheric layers nicely!!

Vocab: trophosphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, ionosphere, exosphere
Homework: #1-15 on page 522

Objective: Video/DVD. 

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: review major points discussed this week over the weekend